Enes Freedom: NBA Run by Chinese Dictatorship; Recalling Persecution of Falun Gong in China

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Twenty-three years ago, the Chinese Communist Party officially started clamping down on Falun Gong. We hear from someone who practices the meditation discipline and how he refused to back down in the face of persecution.

At the same time, events across the United States are raising awareness about the continued persecution, and lawmakers in Washington are showing their support.

It’s long been believed that Beijing holds major influence over the NBA. Now, a star athlete-turned activist is pointing to certain recordings as proof of that suspicion.

An official Chinese report says at least 10 new COVID-19 variants have been detected in the past two weeks. Authorities are calling it a warning sign of a surge.

00:00 Intro
01:03 Recalling Persecution of Falun Gong in China
05:50 Raising Awareness of Persecution in China
07:50 #EnesFreedom: NBA Run by Chinese Dictatorship
10:09 Central China Sees Covid-19 Outbreak Amid Heatwave
11:31 China: Fast Growing Omicron Variants Cause Concern
12:33 Flower-Buying Banned on Anniv. of Flood Disaster
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Recalling Persecution of #FalunGong in China; Central China Sees #Covid19 Outbreak Amid Heatwave
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46 thoughts on “Enes Freedom: NBA Run by Chinese Dictatorship; Recalling Persecution of Falun Gong in China”

  1. B I cannot understand why the Chinese Communist party hates such a beautiful peaceful practice It’s just so scary and China’s tentacles are all over the world and fortunately it’s just getting worse I don’t want to live in a world that China is in charge of no thank you

  2. I would love to practice full on gong I’m sorry I’m talking into the computer so I can’t spell it properly but I would love to practice it does anyone know if there’s any arm ministries or in New South Wales Australia?

  3. Same CCP bluff exposed !!! as in the case of the Galwan clash with Indian soldiers more than 400 Chinease soldiers were killed but CCP did not say a word

  4. Stop buying “Made in China”.
    The country’s MAD!
    On a specific day of the year one has to give a reason why one wants to buy a bunch of flowers.
    Such stupidity doesn’t deserve a comment.
    If one wants to withdraw their money from a bank one has to give a reason for the withdrawal.
    Such stupidity doesn’t deserve a comment.
    Ten new variants of the virus have surfaced in China because they were all imported from overseas not to mention the Wuhan virus which of course also originated overseas according to China.
    Such lies and deceit don’t deserve a comment.

  5. I believe I had mentioned a long time ago that if there is a Covid-19, there is Covid 2 through 18 as well already and known of.. Covid didn't just start at version 19. Learn to count.

  6. Indonesia & Russia To Following The China Regime To Blocking The Western Internet System Like FaceBook , Instagram , Twitter & YouTube With "PSE ( Private Security External ) Rules" To Must Have Listed In The National Telecommunications & Information Department or "KOMINFO-RI" If This Social-Media Platform Not Listing In There 100% Erased & Replace By Another Application Like 'TikTok or WEBO' As The Social-Media Alternative Because The CPP-BEIJING To Can Pressure A Jakarta Government With A Giant Red-Dragon Financial By The Silk & Belt-Road Initiative Agreement on The Global Sino Debt-Loans Trapped Like A Worst Srilangka Economic Crisis 💸🌏🦍💰 PS : The CCP Intelligence Agency Like A 50Cent-Army To Using The Indonesian & A Russian Computer 🖥️ 💻 Hacker's About 1000-Member's For The Global OLIGARCHY-TYRANT-DICTATOR Influence's In around the world with "A Miss-Information 💽📱Claims Propaganda About Them Like Covid-19 Source" By 'The Local IT-Buzzer's' 🌐🧑‍💻💾To Will Try Spreading A Massive Fake-News Who Paid 1Million-Yuan 💸💰To Serving "A New Order Fascists 🤖🌏🦖Alliance Including ; Iran + North Korea To Destroy The Freedom Democracy Values Anytime Every Where" 🌏🦍

    Indonesia & Russia To Following The China Regime To Blocking The Western Internet System Like FaceBook , Instagram , Twitter & YouTube With "PSE ( Private Security External ) Rules" To Must Have Listed In The National Telecommunications & Information Department or "KOMINFO-RI" If This Social-Media Platform Not Listing In There 100% Erased & Replace By Another Application Like 'TikTok or WEBO' As The Social-Media Alternative Because The CPP-BEIJING To Can Pressure A Jakarta Government With A Giant Red-Dragon Financial By The Silk & Belt-Road Initiative Agreement on The Global Sino Debt-Loans Trapped Like A Worst Srilangka Economic Crisis 💸🌏🦍💰 PS : The CCP Intelligence Agency Like A 50Cent-Army To Using The Indonesian & A Russian Computer 🖥️ 💻 Hacker's About 1000-Member's For The Global OLIGARCHY-TYRANT-DICTATOR Influence's In around the world with "A Miss-Information 💽📱Claims Propaganda About Them Like Covid-19 Source" By 'The Local IT-Buzzer's' 🌐🧑‍💻💾To Will Try Spreading A Massive Fake-News Who Paid 1Million-Yuan 💸💰To Serving "A New Order Fascists 🤖🌏🦖Alliance Including ; Iran + North Korea To Destroy The Freedom Democracy Values Anytime Every Where" 🌏🦍

  7. before it was hot weather that killed CCP virus but now it is making more variants instead of dying off. Hmmm…seems to be a conflict of data here. Taiwan needs to be recognized as a sovereign nation by the USA and an embassy put in Taipei.

  8. When people gather, they talk and spread information. CCP will not allow any Chinese citizen to speak their minds – they rather each person police each other just like North Korea. XJP wants his people to fear him like he's a god. It seems like that is his ultimate goal. To make the low-born be dogs and pigs to feed his desire for more power and ego. When people have no basic sense of morality or love they are capable of destroying the world and all of its creatures without shedding a single tear. Living beings have no value to them apart from being slaves and making cash for a corrupt government.

  9. Good vidéo. Good testimony, good words. & Congrats Enes Freedom.
    The entire world should stop doing business with a criminal evil regime like the chinese communist party.
    Sorry Adam Silver, life and crucial divine rights are more important than few more bucks for your NBA.
    If you do not want to be put in a difficult position, don't do business with the chinese communist party.

  10. It is a reminiscent of 16th, 17th century England, causing a massive exodus for religious, individuals’ freedom to America. Come one, come all in the land of the free, home of the brave, USA🇺🇸

  11. Falun gong – I do not believe in religion but believe the good principles of being good to each other. The God bit as being brought up as s roman Catholic I will.leave at the door, but I feel.the people can believe in god as long as it does not hurt others and is used a a tool for hate.

  12. 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎

    Spider Woman appears in stories throughout the Southwest, often as a powerful teacher and helper. In some Southwestern cultures, Spider Woman taught people to spin thread and weave cloth, thus sharing with humans the spider's ability to make webs.

    The Hopis speak of a Spider Grandmother who, conscientiously weaving her webs, thought the world itself into existence. In the Navajo creation story, people travel up through four lower worlds, creating chaos and disorder until they are banished from each in turn. At one level, they are threatened by a devastating flood but Spider Woman rescues them by weaving a web to create solid ground before the water sweeps over them.

    Navajo spider woman legends were told by the Holy people. Navajo spider woman was said to first weave the universe and taught Navajo (Dine) for spreading the "Beauty Way" and creating beauty in their own life, teaching of balance within the body, mind and soul. Elders' creation of stories, they were told about having 4 worlds…


    Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.

    Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?

    Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee?

    Can you send out lightnings, that they may go, And say to you,

    ‘Here we are!’?

    Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts?
    Who hath given understanding to the heart?
    Who can number the clouds in wisdom?
    Who can stay the bottles of heaven?

    And he brought him forth abroad, and said,

    Look now toward heaven,
    and tell the stars,
    if thou be able to number them:

    and he said unto him,

    So shall thy seed be.

    Therefore sprang there even of one,
    and him as good as dead,
    so many as the stars of the sky in multitude,
    and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.

    That in blessing I will bless thee,

    and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

    TELL 👽⚖️🪨🤪😜😈👿👹👺



    “I AM” enacted in imitation preamble of perception
    “I AM” invoking the power of the stone of destiny

    3.84 gas Albuquerque

  13. The CCP,.. this is what the WEF wants to use as their model for a One World Government. Dark, grotesque and horrifying is their notion to unleash this on the world. How can they do all these horrors to a people of peace and spirituality? Why do they feel the need to control everyone's mind, spirit and body like it's a sheet of blank paper only they can write on? I'll never understand this evil, their persecutions, murderous hearts, willful genocide with no conscience. This is worse than Hitler's Nazi Germany and we may never know how many millions have been tortured and murdered. For No Reason!

  14. As an act of self-defense the CCP needs to be completely destroyed.
    We also need to make sure that sociopathic criminal parasites never get into power anywhere again.
    This above all else should be the primary focus of the human species at this time.
    Our evolution and even our existence depends on it.

  15. Hundreds of millions will drop off China's population and if the Chinese won't care, who will? I foresee China being destroyed from internal calamities, and no one will come to the rescue. Chinese will be at their own mercy 🥺

  16. LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES LIES Falun Gong would turn any peoples into a spiritual powerhouse on all levels CCP is Satanic pure and simple Falun Gong people are kind, peaceful, responsible… the opposite of the CCP


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