END TIMES NEWS: Rapture Signs In The Heavens – Witch Doctors – UN Palestinian Vote – Canada Fires

This is our End Times News Update for Sunday, May 12th, 2024 with 5 End Times Headlines from all over the world… JESUS IS …


49 thoughts on “END TIMES NEWS: Rapture Signs In The Heavens – Witch Doctors – UN Palestinian Vote – Canada Fires”

  1. Thank you for watching today. If you have any prayer requests drop them below.

    Please keep the Watchman Street Team in your prayers. We have major outreach trips coming up.

    Help support the channel and take the fight to BIG PHARMA..We've partnered with the Rainbow Health Company. We sale natural healing and annointing oils. Use Code Watchman20 Save 20%


  2. Personally, mmmmm…. I think those oils are no different than what the new agers are using in witchcraft, they sell incense, crystals, candles, and dont they have rainbows on them like the "movement"?
    Adam, We have to be careful! how much research did you do? I see too much of that fix-it-fast stuff……no thanks. Jesus wants us to unite our pain with His pain on the cross so we feel what He felt.
    PRAY ONLY TO JESUS FOR HEALING, we dont have much time, if Jesus wants to heal us, He will!❤
    I will pray for you Adam as always. Be blessed.

  3. Righteous Anger is a very good thing depending on how you use it.
    Careful with the deception of Division. God Bless you all and May The Lord Bless Israel.

    Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

    Matthew 10:16

  4. I believe in signs in the sky from God to warn us of his imminent rapture. However, i live in Canada and can tell you guys that a lot of our fires are set on purpose to create jobs. That's a fact

  5. I love reading thru the comments and seeing one after another after another, declaring praise for our King of kings!! HalleluYah!!! Please pray for a boost in my endurance.

  6. JESUS SAVES! ❤️✝️
    Praying for you brother Adam, your family and your outreach ministry. Praying that many will accept the free gift of Salvation from Jesus Christ and give their lives to him.
    I pray that the Lord will meet every need listed here for healing, for help, for deliverance and for salvation.
    PLEASE PRAY for Kurt and Alex to be saved!
    GOD BLESS! ❤️🙏🎺🙌👑

  7. The Lord has pronounced unto me that God shall not allow the enemy to be existent any further. Which is to say his time of temptation must end and his Start of destruction must come forth, but this is to allow him to come against the house of God to fulfill all that is written in Matthew, and Revelations and other books with the destruction of the Luke warm and also those left for testing and those who God may allow who deem themselves to be elect but are not all the way speaking his word correctly. Therefore they are destroyed from lack of sound doctrine and were consumed because they were unlearned in the truth! So this is coming up now! God is pouring it down from the heavens into the earth by these words! So expect for things to come to pass shortly!

  8. The intro is way too long also it is not enough to just believe in JESUS but we must trust his finished work. 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verses 1-4 how? By His shed blood.


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