End Time National Prayer Meeting

Redeem America originally aired on CTN and Jon & Jolene Hamill YouTube channel on September 24, 2023.

Rabbi Curt Landry releases justice and mercy angels at the 02:15 mark of Redeem America – 50 State Solemn Assembly.

The 3 hour “Redeem America” vigil was launched continual live-stream prayer, hosted by CTN Director, Jen Mallan, and team.

Find out more from …
Jon and Jolene Hamill, Lamplighter Ministries https://jonandjolene.us
Jen Mallan co-host: https://ctnonline.com/ctn-programs/come-home/

From Jon & Jolene Hamill:
Prophetically, we sense this Yom Kippur marks a major turning point for our nation. Consider the days before the American Revolution. Or the lead-up to the computer revolution. Few actually perceived the true impact of what was transpiring right before their eyes. It is the same today.

The good news is that those who genuinely discern the times will then be able to define the times. We hope that’s you.
From an “Issachar perspective,” this Yom Kippur begins a 14 month season of engagement through the 2024 elections. The stakes have rarely been higher, even for the preservation of our freedom.

Which means that, this Yom Kippur, you and I are being invited into a significant redemptive transaction before Heaven’s Court. With II Chronicles 7:14 at heart, together we will humble ourselves before the Lord, seeking forgiveness for the sins of the nation and for the healing of our land. We will also partner with Jesus Christ covenantally to become catalysts of His work.

“He summons the heavens above, and the earth, to judge His people: Gather to me My godly ones, who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice!” (Psalm 50:4-5).


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