Emma D'Arcey Makes Men of the Year List – House of the Dragon Star

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38 thoughts on “Emma D'Arcey Makes Men of the Year List – House of the Dragon Star”

  1. My wife is an absolute sweety, and for the maybe 6 months that she was on the pill, she treated me VERY differently, and it was bizarre. When she stopped taking them, she was back to her old self almost immediately. I'm pretty against hormone treatments in most cases. For example, if you extrapolate this for a girl whose baseline isn't as nice as mine, you get some real hormone driven nonsense. Don't mess with your body's equilibrium.

  2. shows how bigoted the woke snowflakes are themselfs… they are born female, identify as non-binary… how can they be MEN of the year?! their own logic dont even apply… wtf is wrong with these… nvm, i take that question back -.-

  3. i have been saying this for years as well. you can't celebrate diversity if you make everyone the same. i mean, are we gonna go as far as unisex prisons? i don't mean where a guy identifies as female, i mean biological men and women in the same prisons, bathrooms, sport is trying to do this on some level. i saw a boxing/MMA fight where a woman and man fought, and the chick got fucked up. this is all satanic to me, this agenda.

    i'm not religious, but this is nonsense. knowing this is an agenda, what is the goal for this? i assume agendas have goals. all i see is confusion, chaos and celebration of the unnatural…thus, that's why i think this is satanic cult behavior on a grand level. remember when people debated faith vs science? now we're debating feelings and fantasy over science, biology and facts. it's on purpose, just can't figure out the end game. is it divide and conquer? control?

  4. You're absolutely correct, leftist crazies would have lost their minds if she'd been put on a woman of the year list. They think it's great that she was put on a man of the year list….because they legitimately hate men and want to eliminate masculinity because they can't control it. We're out of their control and our GAF is notoriously low, and it's getting lower as we speak, with nonsense like this.

    She did a great job in the role and I loved the show, so she certainly deserves some recognition. But she's a woman. Nobody has the right to require other people to lie for them.

  5. So Trans-idologs could win at both separate categories of women and men all while claiming to be of both and neither at the same time.
    3:54 Wanna tell me how seeing people doing actual truly messed up things out in the fucking open to crowds of people and telling use their goals and intentions is even consider a "conspiracy".
    When someone runs by and and steals your purse before of the teller and everyone in the damn story is not a figment of your imagination that acutely happen. Just as a company putting a woman in man of the year just happen with them posting all the stupid inhuman un-rasionality BS to say why they need to dismantle gender this and that etc. for the six millionth time this year of the last five. Quit it with t with the bastards saying to not believe your lying eyes to be a conspiracy!

  6. can't wait till they need emergency medical attention and instead of treating them they will argue with the doctor since one of the things they check is your sex….
    since your gender can alter what's the problem

  7. Of course this topic will always bring out all of the kooks in full rage. But I don't take actors seriously, since so many of them have a shoe size IQ. Any sensible person with a decent education realizes that if you have a Y chromosome you're a male, otherwise, you're female. That's all there is to it.

  8. Cis is a made up derogatory word/term use to label and replace normal/norm and is usually used in contempt and or to denigrate someone in order to dismiss them, all in the attempt to make the irregular/un-normal people to feel normal/good about themselves.

  9. The entire thing is delusional, there no other words for it. Even when women like her claim they feel male sometimes, that doesn't make any sense just from a point of sensory perception.

    -Doesn't have the body with enhanced bone density and strength
    – Lack's male reproductive organs
    – Doesn't have the reflexes
    – Has 1/20th the testosterone and all associated impulses driven by that hormone
    – Clearly doesn't think in logical cause and effect modes of thought (self evident due to the non binary proclamation)
    – has a completely different parietal lobe differentiation which is what creates differences in perception for men vs women
    – treated with the consideration of being a woman by others and social graces/expectations that come with it
    – likely doesn't have risk seeking behavior or propensity for aggression
    – etc, etc

    There's nothing about her existence that would denote any form of manhood or maleness. Considering the left never stfu about "Lived experience and appropriation", how the hell does one get to be defined as a man when they haven't lived the life of a man a single day in their life (The exact same thing applies to trans women thinking womanhood is a costume)


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