Elon Musk's New Plan: Send 1 Million People to Mars | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Elon Musk’s New Plan: Send 1 Million People to Mars | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Elon Musk has a new plan to colonise the Red Planet. He wants to send 1 million people to Mars. The plan may sound very sci-fi but is it really feasible? Can humans really build colonies on Mars? Palki Sharma tells you.

Elon Musk | Mars | Colonies | Red Planet | Firstpost | World News | Vantage | Palki Sharma

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32 thoughts on “Elon Musk's New Plan: Send 1 Million People to Mars | Vantage with Palki Sharma”

  1. I love Elon so much but when he embarks on wasteful ventures he must be told. All those praising him over this plan should know that Elon doesn't print money but makes money from the limited cash in circulation. Consequently, anytime he embarks on such projects he is shorting the money in circulation needed to finance projects that will help solve the basic needs of people.

    We have been decieved by Economics and finance to think that once a private man makes money he has the right to determine whatever he wants to do with it forgeting that he made the money through the very people he thinks do not matter when it comes to spending the money.

    If his company was a public institution, people would have raised questions about why so much money is being pumped into such self actualisation venture when the basic needs of people have not been met.

    However, due to the brainwashing we have been taken through over the years of our existence, we think that since this is being done by a private person, he has all the right to do it. We have forgotten that it is the same limited money in circulation that has been somewhat "legally trapped" through the sale of some products by this private person and is now being redirected into less useful projects and thus denying the financial system the opportunity to channel that money into more useful projects that would benefit many people struggling to make ends meet.

    Elon can never say that the human and non human resources he uses in making his money all comes from him. He clearly used the brains and ideas of people thus must listen to people and help people. I know some less smart people will say he paid the people he employed to help him. That is laughable because there is no perfect remuneration system anywhere that is able to correctly measure and pay people for their level of contribution in helping to create wealth for public or private institutions. In most cases, people accept what they are given simply because they need to survive but not because it's the right pay for the critical role they played in helping to create the wealth that has been made. That is why the financial system must always find ways to push back the wealth made into projects that will help everyone to live a bit comfortably for the various roles they played in creating wealth nationally or internationally.

    For all you know, there are some low ranking employees in the companies established by Elon who are struggling with their basic needs and have to work about two or three extra jobs to make ends meet. Instead of being a bit merciful in spreading the wealth he has made in paying them well, look at what he is embarking on just to satisfy his ego.

  2. Earth with 420 ppm CO2 and has global warming problems, however peoples here have oxygen to breath and they start to pay bills for CO2 emission. Elon Mask plan to occupy mars with one million people will build homes for them, will build gardens and plant vegetables and fruits, will build plant to produce water oxygen methane and other, and at the end will send peoples the bill for Oxygen and whatever they need to be sustainable. Probably Elon Musk will build a world with Aliens, who will elect him as a king of Mars. Good luck Elon Musk, I am waiting you on the North Pole on Mars.

  3. Russian military takes control of Avdiivka chemical plant – state media

    The Russian military has taken full control of the Avdiivka coke and chemical plant, Russian state news agencies have reported. 

    It comes after Russia claimed to have captured the strategically important town over the weekend, following months of devastating combat.

    Yesterday, Russian officials said the military was in control of the town in the Donetsk region, but that Ukrainian units were entrenched at the plant – Ukraine's last stronghold on the northwestern edges of Avdiivka. 

    "Russian flags were hoisted on the administrative buildings of the plant," TASS state news agency cited a statement from the defence ministry.

    RIA state news agency published a short aerial muted video showing sporadic blasts across what it seems like an industrial plant.

     The fall of Avdiivka has marked Russia's biggest gain since it captured the city of Bakhmut in May 2023. 

    Avdiivka sits in the industrial Donbas region, 15km (nine miles) north of the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk. Control of the city is seen as key in Moscow's efforts to secure full control of the Donbas.

    There was no immediate comment from Ukraine, but the commander-in chief-of its armed forces said on Saturday that his troops had moved back to more secure positions outside the town "to avoid encirclement and preserve the lives and health of servicemen".

  4. Many areas here on Earth offer opportunities for improvement to accommodate more people. Concerns about oxygen and accessibility are minimal compared to the major hurdles faced in settling on other planets. Our focus should be on ensuring access to the resources necessary for sustaining life.

  5. ใช้ๆๆอี่ล้อนมัธพูดถูกต้องถึงเวลาหยุดสงเงินและกำลังไปให้ยูเครนได้แล้วตอนนี้เมกากำลังแย้สุดๆๆ

  6. Im not a rocket scientist, but now i saw no no musk, its too much, even for 500 people it wouldn't be easy to transport and even sustain their lives there. I will have to arrest these scientists for abusing the earth by reducing the size of the planet by sending all these tones of materials from the earth to the outer space,. Could someone tell me what happens to the ditance between two charged objects should one object mass be reduced?

  7. I don't think it is a good idea. We humans are coded by millions of strands to live and adapt in planet earth through millions of years of evolution, suddenly one day if we go into another planet there is no point in thinking we will adapt there. Many of is will die many of us adapt but it is like doing nature selection all over again it will take another million of years difficulties and strugle for us to live on Mars without any life supporting system. Elon really planning to kill that much people?!!


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