Elon Musk's Genius Solution for SpaceX Starship to kick out FAA…

Elon Musk’s Genius Solution for SpaceX Starship to kick out FAA…
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SPadre: https://www.youtube.com/c/SpadrecomSouthPadreIslandInformation
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LabPadre: https://www.youtube.com/c/LabPadre
Tamás Török: https://www.youtube.com/user/tomket7
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Tony Bela – Infographic news: https://twitter.com/InfographicTony
TijnM: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDA8yz_nQY-0Uxd96-qxYjA
Greg Scott: https://twitter.com/GregScott_photo
William Harwood: https://twitter.com/cbs_spacenews
Sean: https://twitter.com/planetdeimos
Farrielle: https://twitter.com/FarryFaz
Evan Karen: https://www.youtube.com/c/EvanKaren
As the current testing grounds and launch site of SpaceX’s massive Starship — a fully reusable rocket that very well may be the most powerful in the world — “Starbase” near Brownsville in South Texas, attracts plenty of space enthusiasts that want to catch a glimpse of the titanic rocket in action.

But with the FAA breathing down their neck in a year, fans of SpaceX that have been following the development of Starship are by now used to the first orbital launch milestone being postponed multiple times.
And now, SpaceX can’t seem to be patient anymore.
This is Elon Musk’s Genius Solution to kick out FAA on the way to colony Mars!

Welcome back to the Alpha tech. We’d like to take the time to thank you for your continued support of our channel.
Now, let’s take a seat and find out everything in today’s episode of the Alpha Tech channel:

SpaceX’s Starship gets closer to launch—but the future of its Texas Starbase is in doubt.

SpaceX cleared another hurdle in its quest to launch its Starship, the world’s most powerful rocket when the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) granted environmental approval for orbital launches from the company’s site in South Texas. The decision, announced on June 13 after months of delay and debate, requires several actions to ease the impact on public beaches and wildlife surrounding SpaceX’s private spaceport at Boca Chica Beach, 20 miles east of Brownsville, Texas. Clearly, the ruling still represents a win for Elon Musk’s space company, which could have been required to complete a much more comprehensive and lengthy Environmental Impact Statement before any orbital launches took place.

Despite the conditional approval for SpaceX, which still needs a launch license for orbital flights, the future of the rocket complex in Boca Chica Beach is less certain than it may seem.
Elon Musk’s Genius Solution for SpaceX Starship to kick out FAA…


21 thoughts on “Elon Musk's Genius Solution for SpaceX Starship to kick out FAA…”

  1. This change of plans by Elon to building on LC 39A due to the issues from FAA on Bokachica, reminds me of one of Elons famous quotes, "I don't never give up, I have be dead or totally incapacitated" (when faced with challenges or unfounded criticisms over what he believes in).

  2. They should have built the launch site at Cape Canaveral in the first place five years ago. The rockets, built at Boca Chica could be shipped across the Gulf of Mexico around Florida to the space port at the cape and launch them at KSC. The launch sites at Boca Chica would only be used for engine testing.

  3. The rigidity of the FAA isn't helping. It is acting like an ignorant political branch of government. It should publish its objections in plain language. Will turtles and seagulls go deaf because of the launches? Maybe the launches are causing the drought? Speak up FAA!

  4. I was under the impression that the area around Kennedy space Center was a wild life sanctuary. can they get permission to destroy 100 acres of that? I wonder how big the bribes…I mean political contributions, will need to be for that to happen.

  5. For every person making complaints, there are 100,000 supporting SpaceX. Texas has hundreds of miles of coastline on the Gulf of Mexico, with a lot of it uninhabited by humans. There are far fewer people and wildlife around Starbase than Cape Canaveral in Florida. That area around Starbase is State land, and the EPA needs to go mind its own business. The real reason for the delays is SpaceX is developing rockets that the establishment aerospace industry said were impossible just a few years ago. SpaceX made all other rockets obsolete with Falcon9; now Starship will put them out of business. Most of these companies were used to making Billions of dollars on cost plus government contracts with almost no competition. The old companies made billions per launch and SpaceX charges about 50 million. Now Starship will cost a fraction of that. All of these companies got politicians involved and slowed SpaceX down.

  6. Apparently they don't want space x to continue to show that all those companies have been scamming the fuck outta nasa and the US taxpayer. Like would they rather he just go to another country that will give him the freedom to be himself and continue to push humanity to the stars.

  7. The content in this video is an unfortunate reminder of how incompetent pundits congenerate nonsense. The timeline of the FAA environmental approvals was extended almost in partnership with spacecraft and correlating to their development of their infrastructure and the rocket technology they're trying to perfect. The purpose of the FAA isn't to block advancement. The FAA's purpose is to advance air transport safely and to protect public infrastructure and US citizens. The FAA has been recently criticised for being too close to industry, leading to the recent Boeing disasters. People aren't perfect, companies aren't perfect and everyone knowd governments aren't perfect. It appears from the outside that the FAA is attempting to balance public safety with responsible regulation getting their work done to match SpaceX timeline goals. No drama here, they are working on difficult goals.

  8. SpaceX will need more than one location, they will need 5 to 10 launch ports to meet the number of launches required to get to Mars. Once Red is back in control of the Senate and the WH, this will change to Pro-SpaceX.

  9. He should start a wholly independant company in another more friendly country and licence all the StarShip patents and designs.
    If the US Federal Government and it's departments keep interfering with StarShip development then remove the interference one way or another.
    He is investing his own money in this project and the Military & NASA are just paying SpaceX (not Musk) to develop specialty versons of what he already is planing to build.
    I totally disagree with his politics but I hope he will secede with StarShip, StarLink & other SpaceX projects.
    And I also hope it will not require the old fuddy duddy scientists from a bygone era to die off before new ideas are seriously looked at because these old people can't think outside of the box that their experience falls in to.
    It will also be really interesting to compare the total time spent developing StarShip vs the decade plus spent developing SLS which is using Space Shuttle era technology.

  10. Just shut spacex down and sell the patents to a new company in another country. I bet if Elon just started the process the gov would step in and try to stop him. I wudnt put it past our gov to just take control of the company under some crazy national security rule/law loophole.

  11. FAA is just as bad as the CIA, FBI, IRS, DOJ, BATF and the FED. All infiltrated by left wing fanatics bent on punishing anyone supporting conservative values. Musk is by no means a conservative, but he doesn't bend to the fanatics on the left… the same group that has turned many cities into third world – – itholes


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