Elon Musk to release Twitter's Hunter Biden cover-up 'soon'

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has announced he will “soon” be exposing the highly anticipated details on how and why the platform suppressed the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story.

“The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. The public deserves to know what really happened,” Musk tweeted.


46 thoughts on “Elon Musk to release Twitter's Hunter Biden cover-up 'soon'”

  1. I hope Hunter and Joe Biden’s life is over. Both deserve jail. And Joe will be infamously known as the biggest moron and worst president if you could actually say that without laughing in t our nations long history. People need to start heckling and calling him out every time he leaves his Delaware basement . He is Braindead and a vegetable. Everything that comes from his pie hole is a lie. His stories are just as bad as his policies, he has done nothing worth talking about in his long limp dicked worthless 50 + year career. FJB

  2. Do it already and quit talking about it. Not that it will make a difference. If the left truly believes in equality, then hunter should be treated like a criminal. We all know, it will be lies about and try to brush it under the rug since the rich and politicians don't have to abide by the same laws as the working people do.

  3. Hmm what about Jared and the 2 billion dollars from MBS ???
    Or Ivanka's deals with the Chinese ???
    Don jr's gf getting paid $60,000 for a 4 minute speech ???
    Gee what about this SHIT ?????


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