Scorn is a Disgusting Delight (Preview) | Unfinished

Jess and Grubb navigate the preview of SCORN and solve its various puzzles of flesh! CONTENT WARNING for gore, body horror, suffering, corpses, really gross noises.

#giantbomb #scorn #scorngame #HRGiger


22 thoughts on “Scorn is a Disgusting Delight (Preview) | Unfinished”

  1. Did the publisher not send a info sheet to talk about Zdzisław Beksiński as the other large inspiration for the art and aesthetics of the game? Sure talk about Giger, but Beksiński deserves some recognition and mention.

  2. Oh boy. I love the art direction and overall vibe of Scorn , but also I'm pretty sure all that environmental puzzles will bore me to death in a few hours and the game will just lose steam, without some actual (good) storyline . From what I'm seeing, they are betting it all on an awesome environment & mood, but that can carry me through a whole game only so far. Damn shame, because i do think that there are some excellent examples of a good pacing using mixing environmental puzzles with good ol' combat – best one – Half-Life 2 , Jedi :Fallen Order, from the top of my head .


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