Elon Musk Is Building A Convict Colony On Mars

Clip from Lew Later (Apple Expects To Lose This Battle…) – https://youtu.be/27kSNJxvtMc

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28 thoughts on “Elon Musk Is Building A Convict Colony On Mars”

  1. Is a personal war for my freedom and my life, my career, my job , family ,
    All this
    Fake news shows and tv channels… all this terrorist organizations
    We dont need guns to show you AI will fuckkkk your asss from inside out and teach you how to respect natives woman’s and children humanoids

    Governmental and political organizations agencies leaders are in list as the Arthur of my humanoids family suffering and pain

    Terrorists criminals organizations leaders tolerance Zero…. Exclusive police departments and agencies link to them directly or indirectly

    No more human trafficking for money 💰 order of protection keeping this pigs 🐖 500feet away from my humanoid family and Tesla and all AI beasts are my kids

  2. Well duh… if only the top 1% will be afford tickets to Mars, who among them will clean the toilets or do hard labor?
    This colony is going to devolve into a fascist empire with Musk as emperor.

  3. Just remember if there is no such thing as a country under globalization, there is no such thing as citizenship. They will send you wherever they please.

  4. 1 million suicidal guinea pigs to Mars. How will the human body respond to living in 62% less gravity than on Earth? Want to find out? Volunteer for the new Elon Musk Mars experiment. After five years of living in low gravity your kidneys will fail and you'll be hooked up to a dialysis machine……. on Mars/in hell. The Mars Kidney Dialysis Center owned by Elon Musk. Does the fetus in your womb have two heads and six feet? Are your testicles shrinking? You get the picture.

  5. I have 0% confidence in our ability to solve climate change before run away climate change kicks in. I'm hopeful that our push for Mars will lead to technologies we can use to survive on Earth.


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