Elmer Yuen I Xi or Li – who the next CCP Boss? I Did Ukraine sabotage Nord Stream 1, 2 gas lines?

As the clock winds down, members of the Chinese Communist Party are getting ready to choose their next leader. Will it be Xi or Li …


22 thoughts on “Elmer Yuen I Xi or Li – who the next CCP Boss? I Did Ukraine sabotage Nord Stream 1, 2 gas lines?”

  1. Mr. Elmer before start his comment says it's all speculation whatever he say. So all is fekum fak. Let the games begin. Elmer Tu bol mein lapet ta Hun. Elmer will be sent to China in 3 years to face justice for his sins

  2. Glad to know Elmer is fed up of the white race western countries in 2-3 years and he wants to return to hongkong . These stooges of their white master made life of 700000 hongkong people hell and made them political refuges. 140 people died in Indonesia soccer game. Hundreds died of gun violence in USA. Chinese people spit on white people . And 95% people want president Xi to be president for life.

  3. Xi Jinpig will be elected to third term. All this speculation by Sri is sensationalising the issue and rumour mongering. It seems to be a fruitless obsession on his part.

  4. There was no house arrest! He was self quarantining himself per CCP rules. He probably used the opportunity to work from home and consolidate his support for the upcoming election. Like Elmer points out, it is a difference of opinion between the old ideology and reform ideology. Looks like right now, the old guard is prevailing.

  5. This threat of using tactical nuclear weapons on one’s own territory (legitimate or not) is a Pakistani suicide threat. It is shameful that Putin has made such a threat. It would be an act of desperation. Wonder if Xi Jinpig has made such a foolish statement as well . It would be even more foolish to follow through with that threat! Will the West retaliate with Fire & Fury with conventional missiles to reduce targeted area to rubble? Will this lead to MAD? Mutually Assured Destruction?

  6. It's all speculation at this point, and in a couple of weeks the world will know. Regardless of who the top dog will be, China has a problem or two on the economic front that it has to deal with. And constantly fighting with neighbors isn't helping them/the region/the world as well.


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