ELITE RUSSIAN FORCES DESTROYED! Current Ukraine War Footage And News With The Enforcer (Day 655)

Elite Russian forces were destroyed today by the Ukrainian armed forces in the area of Kherson. It is rumored that this is the last ditch attempt by the Russians to stop a Ukrainian advance in Kherson. Make sure to subscribe and like for more Ukraine War News!

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39 thoughts on “ELITE RUSSIAN FORCES DESTROYED! Current Ukraine War Footage And News With The Enforcer (Day 655)”

  1. Reddit sure does have some gruesome stuff. Those HIMAR hits on the convoy are something else. HIMARS are the way forward to protect the West and Ukraine, ramp up production guys we are going in.

  2. Just watched some Ex US Colonel called MacGregor saying that Ukraine should throw the white flag up, Zelenski should resign, Russia were crushing Ukraine, The world is sick of Ukraine asking for money and weapons. You got a lot of people in high places that are writing Ukraine off. Sad to see. I hope the world continues to support Ukraine and they keep fighting for their country.

  3. Men you have to STOP SCREAMING!! I always have to turn down the volume everytime you guys scream. Your listeners have other thing to do than managing the volume controls. Tip; is there an option for your videos to put a cap for your screaming?

  4. May I just say, Andrew, that today was one of the best days because I love the way you teach history. You make it interesting and enjoyable. Thank you for all your hard work. Missed Matthew but you did so well on your own. If you want to do teaching history as a video series I’d definitely watch them.

  5. Because of your excellent analysis in the past I think you guys are best to answer this question.

    Are the newest videos of exploding Russian tanks evidence that they are making them more cheaply and easier to destroy or is it because, being winter the hatches are closed and all of the explosive power is concentrated within the vehicle?

  6. Thank you for keeping the spotlight on important conflicts of our time, love to see it. Getting to watch the show live rarely these days. Thank you for allowing to donate after the show, love to see it, love to see it:)

  7. Great fundraiser @The Enforcer! I missed the stream. But I Did hear the general Or-Or-Ordarrr! The NSFW clips.. Brutal! You'd think they would pack it in, for crying out loud. Awesome question segment, as well. Sorry I missed it…

  8. 🎉Great work on the fundraiser everyone!
    Thank you for another great livestream Enforcer!! I ran pretty darn smooth!
    💙💛 Health, Strength, and Victory to all defenders against terrorism! 💙🤍

  9. It’s genuinely really troubling to hear these pro-Palestine arguments… It seems to me like the persuasiveness of this ahistorical rhetoric hinges on deeply seated feelings of guilt, shame, outrage, or fear within the targeted individual… it’s like this rhetoric is being shoved, embedded into someone’s identity… how do you have discussions with people when their views are entangled with their sense of self?

  10. Well said on Israel my wife studied invilnius University about Jewish history and holocaust particular in Lithuanian and surrounding country she applauds you for using historical fact instead of tik tok hearsay
    Slava Ukraine

  11. Tonight stream has been good because there been no shouting. I watch on a tv and have to turn it up to hear you and Matt talk but then when you scream or shout I have to lunge for the remote as it’s mega loud! Love the stream and been watching for a very long time now but can the volume be normalised or max volume capped? ❤

  12. 2:15:31 we can’t say the American doctrine would of worked as they didn’t use it. They didn’t have all the American doctrine enablers. Air support and mass amounts of equipment. They took very heavy losses using American doctrine so switched back to theirs? We will never know?

  13. Dont know why you are such a fan of the SVD Dragunov as it doesnt posses a free floating barrel or forend which means that you have to rest it on the magazine or mount a bipod onto the action, if you can actually find a bipod. I had one in 308W but got rid of it and replaced it with a DPMS that you could actually mount a decent optic on.

  14. Idk if you guys have been looking at the most recent news trends. but it looks like it’s going to be a stalemate and talks for Ukraine. This is all going to end with Russia being given the land they currently hold and Ukraine being granted entry into the EU or NATO for security guarantees . It’s all treading that way.


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