Elite Autopsy | Most Detailed Breakdown

In this episode: we join Corpsman Mike Grey, an enlisted Mortician under the instruction of the Office of Naval Intelligence, to perform an exploratory Autopsy on an Elite, during the early years of the Human-Covenant war.

Biological Notes Provided by:
Dust the Modnificent

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28 thoughts on “Elite Autopsy | Most Detailed Breakdown”

  1. So this is an absolutely awesome video. Going over the biology of one of the greatest fictional threats against our planet, this makes me realize how badly humanity needs an equally threatening enemy to band together and fight. We as a species have an evolutionary proclivity for identifying and fighting to destroy other beings. Unfortunately, the only other beings on our level are our own. I don't think that we, as a species, will ever overcome this biological drive to other people and kill them.

  2. The lack of hemoglobin and the extra diaphragm space, along with a dual cardiovascular system, would indicate a high oxygen saturation atmosphere of Sanghelios. Otherwise, why would the biology there stay away from hemoglobin? Interesting to note. Would also mean that Sangheili would struggle in oxygen reduced environments.

  3. Incredible presentation. I greatly appreciate the fact that you not only go 10 extra miles to rationalise stylised physiology.But you also ground the inherent traits in reality. Very nice touch placing the procedure early in the conflict as well. It makes the remarks your character makes more explanatory rather than condescending in nature, as you are breaking it down for grunts. You deserve the budget and resources that were waisted on that TV show. Halo got incredible talent in its community. And even if it won't sometimes seem like it, you should know that your extensive effort is greatly appreciated.

  4. I would like to see a breakdown on the Bubble Shield. I have no idea how it works and there doesn't seem to be a lot of lore regarding it. Giving it the 00 touch would definitely be interesting.


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