ChatGPT Simulates World War 3 | Mapping Timelapse

Credit to @DrewDurnil /@DruuuWu for the inspiration for this video.


Everyone says artificial intelligence will take over the world. But let’s see just how knowledgeable ChatGPT is when it comes to history and geopolitics…
Can it extrapolate from current trends to predict the future? Watch as the world descends into chaos and anarchy, as world war 3 battle royale nuclear armageddon occurs.

“ChatGPT Tries to Predict Earth’s Future | Mapping Timelapse“

The following prompt was the one used to generate the simulation:

Today you are going to simulate a battle-royale for the world, starting from the year 2023. If the given region is a singular country, then all of that country’s states/provinces become independent and fight each other, if it is a region, then only the countries fighting within that region may participate. Every time you respond, you will respond with the next year, and the events that took place that year. These events should not reflect real world events unless by chance. The only events that can happen is a: War, Alliance, or Pact. If a war takes place you must the war a name, say what countries/states/alliances are involved, and the result of the war. Alliances that haven’t been established can’t participate in the war. The result must be given the same year the event takes place, and one side must win completely. It can not be a draw. Also say how much of the losing country is annexed(either half, or entire). If a country is completely annexed, it is out of the Battle Royale, if a country is only annexed half-way, it can continue. If a country is annexed, say exactly what state/states gets that territory. If an alliance takes place, you must give the Alliance a name and say what countries/states are involved. If a pact takes place, you must say so and say what countries/states/alliances it is between. Not all of these events should happen every year, only some of them randomly. After a war, the details of what the winning side did with the military, government and people of the losing side should be given. An exact specification of how the war began and how the winning side won should be given. Ask me after each year if I’m ready for the next one, or whether I want information on any of the specific events.

You can try it yourself at:

Music in order:
Lightless Dawn
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Theme
Symphony No. 9 (Ode to Joy)
Soviet March (Red Alert 3)
April Showers
Can You Feel My Heart (Gigachad)
Kazakhstan Anthem (Borat)
Yi Jian Mei (Xue Hua Piao Piao)
Xuanzang (Minecraft)
NFL Theme Song
We’ll Meet Again

#ai #chatgpt #history #timelapse #map


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