Electric Vehicles: The Future or a Fool’s Folly?

Tim Constantine dives into the hot topic of electric vehicles. Biden’s administration is mandating that by 2030, 50% of all cars sold must be EVs or hybrids, with that number rising to 70% by 2032. Raising significant questions about the government’s authority to enforce such mandates and the implications for the automotive industry and consumers.

While some Americans are embracing EVs and enjoying their benefits, the practical challenges of charging and the higher costs remain deterrents for many.

Do EVs really save the environment in the long run? Are they a viable option for individuals and businesses? Find out on this episode of The Capitol Hill Show.

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36 thoughts on “Electric Vehicles: The Future or a Fool’s Folly?”

  1. imma gonna vote fool's folly? until batt tech, charging infrastructure of a new innovation/way of energy storage that can make electric propulsion vastly more dependable to serve the needs of the masses?

  2. Chinese brands are going to dominate in the EV market worldwide. But free trade and fair competition are no longer agreed by US and EU as they cannot compete with China fairly. US and West are heading to protectionism which will create uncompetitive business environment and products eventually. Thus speed up their decline.

  3. I'm in Europe, so that might change the experience. Been an owner of a 24kwh nissan van (env200) for over two years now, and everything accept the range (90 miles per full charge) has been great.

    I've saved over 5000 euro on fuel costs alone compared to driving my previous petrol car. And zero maintenance cost so far.

    Even with the short range of this first-gen van, we've driven to Belgium from France and it is perfect for day trips to the beach on the weekend. On top of that I can honestly say this has been my best, most trouble free, cheap to run vehicle ever.

    I'll be back in a diesel 4×4 at some point as I plan to move the family to a remote Pacific island, and I will miss having an EV.

    Just my anecdotal evidence, and it is sad to see the misinformation push-back from the fossil fuel industries pushing stories like in this film.

  4. You build a product that uses non-renewable resources for every part and uses fossil fuel from the electrical grid to charge it and call it green. Next topic Landfills and the rare minerals needed for this brilliant idea to make Elon wealthier. Who would have pushed this idea through every level of government?

  5. The trouble with Ev's.
    1. Range anxiety.
    2. Explosion fears.
    3. 60% depreciation.
    4. Elon Musk's connection to Jeffrey Epstein.
    5. Exploited Third World child labor.
    6. They brick in cold weather.
    7. Insanely high insurance rates due to repair costs and the liability of exploding batteries.
    8. Insurance companies writing off ev's in a minor crash.
    9. Ev battery replacement up to $60,000 or more.
    10. Inadequate charging stations powered by diesel generators.
    11. Non eco-friendly emissions in a fire and during the manufacturing process.
    12. Ev's chew thru tires like a drunken sailor.
    13. Tire and brake pollution.
    14. Suspension failure.
    16. Ev's chew thru brakes like a drunken sailor.
    17. Pushed by the WEF.
    18. No ability to charge EV if you live in an apartment.
    19. Having to wait for EV to charge.
    20. Charger point vandalism.
    21. Collapsing electric grid cannot cope.
    22. Lose charge range in cold weather.
    23. If the manufacturer goes out of business, now you have to junk your EV, because it has become worth absolute zero.
    24. Absolute nightmare to put out EV fires.
    25. Electrical, electronic, and software problems will leave you stranded.
    26. Toxic gas vapors from EV explosion will kill you.
    27. Not suitable for road trips.
    28. Rapid battery degradation over time as miles rack up.
    29. Ev's too heavy for crash barriers (guard rails).
    30. All Ev charging is paid for with digital currency.
    31. Copper thieves are targeting EV charging cables and wind turbines.
    32. Ev's are causing double the road damage.
    33. Gaslighting from EV manufacturers is pouring gasoline on the fire of EV rejection.

  6. Many of these "Experts" are quoting really old new. Batteries are almost totally recyclable now. I agree the government should not mandate that people have to buy EVs. Economics and infrastructure improvements will make this happen. ….like when we went from horses to cars.
    Edit: after watching the whole video, your agenda is clear based on your data and "experts". It was really stupid to base your info of legacy car experts and republican chants. (I'm an old republican). There are more tesla chargers than Chevron gas pumps. You neglected to note how much more the government has subsidized gas. The number one selling car, including gas cars, was the Tesla Model Y. COME ON! Ohhhhh. I just realized, you are paid by the oil companies. Nuf said.

  7. “Child labor, forced labor”, everything is Chinese fault, there is no Chinese EV in US, this excuse is getting old. BTW, GM owns 51% of Wuling, the best selling EV brand in China.

  8. Interesting they don't have Tesla commenting! They would debunk 100% of what they are negatively saying.

    It is not more costly to recycle batteries. This guy is totally wrong. Tesla pretty much recycles ALL of their batteries.

    Also that guy is at a Tesla supercharger, it no way takes 45 minutes. 25 minutes at most!

    Love the lady, "when I talk to auto dealers". Other than Tesla, auto STEALERSHIPS can't make money on electric cars. Oh wait nobody wants wants an electric car:

    Here's Tesla's annual revenue from 2020 to 2023:

    2023: $96.77 billion, 18.80% growth

    2022: $81.46 billion, 51.35% growth

    2021: $53.82 billion, 70.67% growth

    2020: $31.54 billion, 28.31% growth 

    The reason the government is investing in electric cars is because the legacy AUTOMOTIVE MANUFACTURERS are lobbying the government for more money because Tesla is going to put them ALL OUT OF BUSINESS!

    Bottom line, nice commercial for oil and gas!

  9. Anyone who complains about EV is obvious they have never driven one. For now and until battery range is improved including more charging stations, I highly recommend buying an EV and a hybrid if you need to cars in your family. EV for around town or daily chores and hybrid for long distance travels. I’ve driven an EV up the hills of San Francisco and I got to say the power is unmatched!

  10. When West is winning, EV is the future; When China is winning , is it Future or Fool? Come on, future or not , its up to the market, and China is largest EV market . West falls into the debating loops again just like highspeed train, 10 years after, EV is everywhere in China with latest/better battery tech while West still debating

  11. This video is either embarrassingly uninformed or it must be considered as oil lobby propaganda. The experts don't seem to understand what they are speaking about. It doesn't take 2 hours to charge an EV. "Rare earth" elements are a specific group of elements that are not needed for EVs. If you start from the abundant evidence that it is good for the economy and health to stop burning fossil fuels as quickly as possible, we either make EVs work or it is back to horses. So a video such as this should be discussing whether our future would be better with EVs or horses. EVs are improving rapidly. It is wrong to think about today's EVs in 2030 or 2032. By then EVs will be cheaper and better and few people will want to choose an ICE vehicle. We have to recognize that fossil fuels are the past and we have great emerging opportunities as we leave fossil fuels behind.

  12. Better use the resources to build better gasoline cars, EVs are not cleaner, are not environmental friendly at all, don't just look at the car itself, look at how electricity is generated, by burning something !! unless all power stations use nuclear but that is not possible, more electricity means burning more fuels and more emissions.

  13. Watch out about AI industries too. Those big-tech lefties are expecting to hide behind CCP of mainland China to steal massive copy-rights and personal privacy information all over the world to facilitate their LLM back ends.

  14. It’s amazing to me that these days authoritarianism and policies deleterious to poor people come more from the Democrats side rather than the Republican side. I would never have believed it a few years back. Looks from the polls that voters are waking up to this switch. I won’t buy an EV myself if given a choice. The resale value of every car is falling, but only a rich person or a fool chooses one that’s losing its resale value faster than everything else.

  15. Eco friendly
    Clean Tech friendly
    User friendly
    Low maintenance costs
    Low cost for charging Electric Vehicles
    at Home or Charging Stations
    Batteries can be recycled ♻️ and transform into new one

    Electric cars and Electric vehicles are
    New Emerging Developing Technology

    Still there is
    No energy efficient
    No energy saving
    No energy gaining
    Technological Solutions

    Still needed is
    2)Time Period
    3)Research Developments, Innovations
    4)Brilliant working force class people


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