Elden Ring Review | "The Best Souls Game?"

Elden Ring is both a refinement and evolution of the Dark Souls formula, presenting an expansive world that’s as hostile as it is inviting. Despite the occasional excess, suffering has never been as much fun as this.
Read our full Elden Ring review here – https://www.gamesradar.com/uk/elden-ring-review/

When Elden Ring hits the rails, the momentum carries it forward and refuses to slow down. My peaks of rage at being stomped on by towering titans never stopped being fun beneath, that very particular form of masochistic joy you get from wrestling with FromSoftware games. It might not be as groundbreaking as its inspirations, but taken on its own terms, Elden Ring might be the best of its brethren – and that’s something I’m still struggling to believe has actually happened.

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44 thoughts on “Elden Ring Review | "The Best Souls Game?"”

  1. I can't wait to get to this. Unfortunately, Horizon takes priority. I have it pre-ordered and paid for though. So I'll pick it up Friday and won't open it until my Horizon itch is scratched. This should keep me busy until Ghostwire. Idk when I'll ever get back to Dying Light 2.

  2. I’m one of the casuals who hadn’t played a Souls game. I’ve admired them from afar but couldn’t bring myself to try it. Im proud to announce that I’ve gotten engaged with the Elden Ring 💍. Come Feb 25th it’ll be ‘Til death do is part’ because this game looks awesome

  3. "Im ready for more of a jump"

    What exactly defines evolutionary or revolutionary?
    What ideas do YOU have for a great sequel?
    I say we leave the Artists alone and let them create.

  4. I felt a little rusty so I installed DS3 while I’m waiting, and as soon as I start I got killed by the weakest enemy, then I went straight to fight Gael and not only I was euphoric to fight this boss as like the first Time I did it,but all the skills came back in seconds, I can’t wait to recreate my favorite DS character in Elden ring and dive in

  5. Video game especially in 2022 mean first visual media than gameplay. How all reviewers and YouTubers could so greatly cheated us and give to this game highest grades without all aspects considered, the game on my PS5 on quality looks so bad asis from early PS4 and Xbox One time and it even with perfect animations, story and gameplay system can't be 9 or 10 in 2022. I blame you all that you are helping to create such confusion in graduation of 2022. games quality standards and because of all of you many of us feel very cheated and unlucky. As graphic designer I have need to say this and want to very responsibly all think about next reviews and if someone is uneducated adequately to consider all reviewing aspects and elements please educate yourself gameplay is just little part in game.

  6. I feel like the crowning achievement of Elden Ring is the ability to have to it bring in new players to the Souls-like genre, like myself. I never had any intention of playing any previous Souls games. Then Elden Ring came, and I'm hooked.

  7. The game looks soo bad on my PS5 out of all next gen standards and expectations, Demons Souls for PS5 is far better looking, can't stand Elden Ring's look especially buildings and it's repetitive textures and proportions as person from art school trained for viewing cant look at it 5-6 minutes, start it and must turn off that ugliest popular game I'm feeling CHEATED by uneducated YouTubers and reviewers which do not respect 2022 standards and our free time

  8. On one hand I’m giving it a 10/10 after 20 hours of gameplay. It’s an astounding game, but I still prefer DS3 so far. I’m probably just biased because DS3 was my first Souls game, but DS3 is the PERFECTLY curated experience with an immaculate difficulty curve, perfect art style and an addicting world progression. Again Elden Ring is one of my favorite games so far. But until I beat it and let it sit, I won’t know if I can say it’s the best. But it’s DAMN good.


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