Elden Ring On PC Is Terrible…

Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! This time we take a look at why I refrain from PC gaming when it comes to the biggest titles on the market. While Elden Ring is an amazing game, the time PC players get to enjoy may not be of the same quality as everyone else. Thanks for watching!
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24 thoughts on “Elden Ring On PC Is Terrible…”

  1. Im jist stopping at the time stamp of 6:32 for 2 reasons to just say a few things and edit my comment as i continue watching.

    1st of all i want to just mention that i was refered about this video within a comment section of a poll somewhat relating to this where some1 was agreeing with me and or other ppl on the fact of how shit the pc platform as a whole has become.

    2nd thing is i want to mention at the time stamp of the fact that having such a widescreen montitor at least to me doesnt not matter in the slightest. I play on xbox on an old school bush tv screen in my room and i dominate just as hard as i do on a massive tv screen downstairs thats easily 8x bigger than the 1 in my room. Also im pretty sure on all platforms u have such thing as changing/altering ur fov which in term brings more things usually into ur perspective while also making other things smaller or more distant looking. Ur meaning to tell me pc players will go sometimes all out and buy a massive monitor to incorperate this addition along woth some others which is also very expensive. Omfg honestly. Im going to massively ego boost here but if ive played on an xbox original, xbox 360 and xbox one s on a box tv b4 from the late 90s that we had in the attic stored time ago and i was able to dominate on any game i played most on xbox in which u could barely make anything out on screen ecspecially at longer ranges, u lot aint shit all. Whining about that shit yet ive dealt with far worse. Get to grips ppl please.

    8:21 now. For years now the pc community have massively bigged up their much "grand" fps rates and all this but in reality its just a huge deluded facade they have. I have a 217 pound office upgraded laptop which apparently is a notebook due to my research on it and even at 20fps im getting smooth fps rates which is 10 less than what i believe the xbox 360 and xbox 1 and its variants run on. At 1st glance this seems very impressive for the pc/laptop yada yada community however get this. If i lose just 2 frames, im having all sorts of in game problems. Not just that but at 20fps playing games smoothly, i can easily pvp ppl just fine with no issues. And im typically versing ppl at like 120fps which are far more typically expensive pc's going against something wayy under half its value and a laptop. I get called a hacker or accused of constantly lagging but its made clear that im not. Everything in the game responds perfectly as it should be which means my laptop is keeping up with whats going on im just at most points crap at playing laptop/pc games as its not my main platform. So why is it all u pc players ever made such a fuss about shit that never mattered and are that deluded to buy like a 1k pc with added like 500 pounds on keyboard monitor mouse mouse mat and all that combined? I just dont get it.

    9:11. Okay so thats a very good point. This doesnt just go to the games its self but to companies manufacturers and all that as a whole. There are games across all platforms out there particularly 1 i can easily name from xbox being fallout 4 and 76 where there have been tons of mods that have implamented game changing shit to the game that improve on what fallout 4 and 76 shouldve yet never had rangig from all sorts of perspecitives. The fact most times this is usually 1 single person who can make this mod within just a month or 2 whereas it takes the game devs and the company to implament these things in many months to up to years on end in rarer occasions in much vast and bigger teams is shocking to me. Honestly to the many ppl out there who make mods for the game and not use these so called mods which lets be honest break into the boundries of outright hacking, are doing such an amazing job and well done to everyone of u and keep it up.

    10:01 i just want to shortly clarofy that its not always so easy to convert games over to different platforms and cant always happen just like that. Its more of am issue if its a game that originally come from consoles exclusives its self as its still rather new to be in that sort of way where as the inverse has been explored alot more. That at least ik is not always an easy thing companies can deal with on every game they make. Some games they make can sometimes make this a ton harder to code in for one reason or another.

    18:15. Sometimes gaming companies do not have this choice. Alot of major game companoes are expected to meet a time frame of when there game has or needs to be release by in its full beta version of lauch day. They actually make a very good point that there isnt likely for u to be able to name 1 major game out there which on launch day, has not experienced a single bug or issue which needed to be patched and fixed. It happens all the time and is to be expected so even for the ppl that put it on harshly to companies. Its just not called for. Theres a difference between helping the ppl who deal with the fixes bugs and all that about the issues and giving them slander for something they probally had to work tirelessly on for a triple A game for millions to make and sometimes its like 400 people who are all in it to make this 1 game try and be a major hit to those who play it.

  2. Dawg I have the minimum graphics card requirement 💀 a 1060 6 gig. And I’m running this shit on high at 50-60 fps RARELY going down to high 40s. No stuttering or screen tearing. These people have to be doing something wrong lol

  3. i noticed hard performance hits during the fight with crucible knight which came and went as the fight progressed
    could have been something with proton though

  4. What annoys me more is the constant connection loss when playing with friends. Couldn't do Godricks Castle until now because we constantly get disconnected and thrown back.

  5. Have you guys tried installing rivatuner and afterburner to limit your fps to 60 properly, as PS games usually are? At least, this is what happens to pc players playing fighting games that are frame sensitive. They also have weird frame lag and stuttering. This fixes it

  6. I just saw a tipical fanboi get stutters and a glitched boss that didnt move, and with a traight face said it was the best game ever, thats why you dont trust early reviews

  7. I just downloaded elden ring off steam I have a pretty nice PC and I was able to make my character then it immediately said I don’t have the graphics or something related to be able to play. I paid 59.99. It basically said nope you can’t play it and you’re not getting a refund.


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