Elden Ring Network Test: All 14 Bosses Ranked

Thanks to Bandai Namco for early access to the Network Test!
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The floodgates are open – Elden Ring gameplay is finally here. Well, it has been for quite a while, but humor me. Is it merely more Dark Souls or is it something greater? Today I’ll share all my Elden Ring Network Test impressions specifically as it relates to the 14 bosses within. The game is nearly here so stay tuned for a lot more content to come!


39 thoughts on “Elden Ring Network Test: All 14 Bosses Ranked”

  1. Lots of comments mentioning how things will be different in the final build of the game related to balancing. That's my bad – I scripted this video and did the commentary back when I played the Network Test – so my take is from an initial impressions standpoint. Even then, FromSoft historically has had unique balance for their Network Tests to let you try mid-game builds. Fair to mention things should be quite different in the final release. Hopefully this is a fun preview nonetheless!

  2. Idk man, this video kinda left me with a bad aftertaste tbh. While I would agree with your grades (probably, skipped the network test to come in fresh on friday) the video overall felt a bit… gloaty, if that makes sense? Cant really pinpoint what caused it, perhaps wording? Anyway, it would be interesting if you did the same video, but a revised version using the final release as source and comparing the two 🙂 Keep it up DeMod, proud of you

  3. I would love some sort of Bloodborne mechanic like the left hand gun parries. Some kind of lore friendly crossbow or daggers that parry enemies into a visceral attack. Possibly recovering ammo by draining your own health

    PS: if this is in Elden Ring, don't spoil it for me because I am going in blind besides the network test footage

  4. Uhhh this is not representative of the final build. Complaining about broken OP faith builds right now after alllllll the other facets of the game have come out is like way way late man

  5. If they wanna keep Beast Claw as it is, I think the best way to keep it strong while not completely busted would be to make the waves come out after charging the spell for a bit. Like, it has its current cast time, but the fastest cast possible will only get you the melee portion of the attack. If you choose to spend the another second or so charging the move, then you'd get the ranged waves that deal maybe a little less damage than they do right now and cost a tad more FP.

  6. Soldier of Godrick will probably be replaced for the actual game but oneshotting him the first time around has to be the most I’ve laughed in a game in years. It was so out of nowhere and a great experience for me. Gonna be sad to see my boy go

  7. Anyone else get the feeling that faith being OP was a compromised way of adding an easy mode?

    More healing items and can consistently attack from range, but the enemies are still as strong and still require skill to avoid getting totally stomped

  8. All the bosses do lesss damage than regular cannon fodder enemies in DS and all have like 0 health, can all be stunlocked by OP magic and it looks way too easy.
    Although I do prefer having low expectations. Still preordered it, hopefully I am pleasantly surprised

  9. Would’ve been a better ranking if you had the ranking for quality stay the same and make a difficulty ranking based on if you were using a spell only run, spell and weapon combo, or just weapons, it’s hard to really see this list seriously when you base most of the bosses on how much damage the spells do and not ranking them all based on fighting them with a weapon and shield, or just two handing, still a good list just wish there would’ve been more coverage on all bases for every boss


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