Elden Ring Mysterious Arenas Unlocked By Modders | GameSpot News

Elden Ring might get colosseum based DLC, Halo Infinite Co-Op gets delayed again, and Forspoken delayed to October. 

Recently, several modders have finally found their way past the locked doors and explored these restricted locations. Videos like this one from YouTuber Garden of Eyes show that these buildings are far from empty and may not have just been cut content. In fact, each area’s level of detail has led many to speculate about what these colosseums could be used for. Some guesses across social media include: challenges, special boss fights, and a PvP arena.

The news comes via a new Halo Infinite development update, where developer 343 Industries has broken down current high-priority issues affecting the game, what fans can expect in Season 2, and updates on co-op and Forge. Clever fans did find a way to glitch their way into Halo Infinite co-op shortly after the game’s launch, even if doing so risked corrupting the game’s save data and it was more than a little buggy.

Square Enix and Luminous Productions announced that Forspoken has been delayed to October 11. It was originally set to launch on May 25. Forspoken follows a young woman named Frey Holland from New York City who is transported to Athia, a mystical and fantastical world where she must find her way home. Forspoken’s original release date of May 25 was revealed during The Game Awards back in December.

00:00 – Intro
00:07 – Elden Ring
01:10 – Halo Co-op
02:32 – Forspoken


22 thoughts on “Elden Ring Mysterious Arenas Unlocked By Modders | GameSpot News”

  1. To be honest, I had forgotten about Forespoken. I'm interested, but with all the other games coming out this year, it'd fallen off my radar. As a Sony, two-year exclusive, let's hope the delay is worth the wait.

  2. This is where the PVP needs to be. It doesn't make sense for them to have forced PVP. I know that from software has an obsession with putting PVP and all of their games but, if you're going to have PVP in a game like this where it really doesn't belong, at least lock it to an arena. And before anybody says "if you don't do co-op, you won't have to worry about forced PVP" miss me all the way with that. Like I said, it doesn't fit this type of game but, if it must be there, lock it behind an arena/coliseum. So I do hope they release DLC for an arena/coliseum and have the PVP losers stay there and fight each other all day.

  3. Forspoken was literally all eye candy and when compared to Dragons Dogma (2012) and Elden Ring. Unless it surpass FONV in writing where quest interconnects (Vault 22) and decision variety as (Ultra Luxe) and rpg aspect like open world exploration of Quarry Junction, Novac, Cazadores route that were based on difficulty like Elden Ring does with Margit/stormveil you can skip, it has dynamic mechanics like DOS2, but fall short in writing like the vague npc questline as it was lore focused.


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