Mail Time Playthrough

In the playthrough, I complete the story of Mail Time and most of the side quests. The only side quests I did not complete were finding all the mushroom samples to get all the hats and finding all the trinkets and trash around the world. I love the art style of Mail Time and meeting the cute characters. I also like that the game is open-world, but I would have liked it if there was a map as I struggled to find some characters. Additionally, the game is rather short and essentially one long fetch quest. You do have side quests with the various characters, but the quests are pretty much the same, where you talk to character A, give a letter to character B, and then return to character A. Also, I played with a controller, and the movement was, at times, clunky. Mail Time is a cute, cozy game, but I would have loved more variety in the gameplay.

In Mail Time, you play as a newly trained Mail Scout who delivers letters to the forest animals in Grumblewood Grove.

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