Elden Ring: Lore At First Sight #05 (A Casual Lore-Centric Blind Playthrough) + Channel Intro/Update

In this episode we talk about the lore of the witch named Renna. The rest of the episode is centred around giving a channel introduction or update. The audio was recorded as post commentary in Premiere, which I have since learned gives terrible audio quality (lots of background noise) so I’ll try to avoid that in the future. Also at 11:5012:00 I messed up the editing a bit. I was explaining that I will never do ads or try to make money of this contents as that goes completely against what I believe in. But that part got erased so yeah.

As Always, thanks for watching!

Music used:
Dark Fantasy Music – Dark Overture


3 thoughts on “Elden Ring: Lore At First Sight #05 (A Casual Lore-Centric Blind Playthrough) + Channel Intro/Update”

  1. Sorry for the sloppy editing this episode! Post commentary requires that I do a lot more in depth editing and I may have been in a bit of a hurry when doing the post commentary for this episode. So there may be a few weird cut offs where the audio just stops and begins randomly!

    edit: typo


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