Elden Ring In-Depth Lorethrough – Part 5

Welcome to the fifth part of my lorethrough series.

In this series I shall be taking you through The Lands Between. We will be discussing the characters, the locations, themes, symbolism and the lore.

I encourage you the viewer to discuss any points that I raise, down in the comments below.

I hope that you can play alongside this series, and together we unravel the mysteries placed within this broken and shattered land.


#Eldenring #Lorethrough #Lore


31 thoughts on “Elden Ring In-Depth Lorethrough – Part 5”

  1. Okay! Well, I Think that the Sorcery Village it's there to use the space/gravity Magic of the Crystals caused by the meteor, and there some relation btween " Scarlet Rot " and That character whose Helmet you have, the Scarlet Bloom and Goddess of Rot, so… The Spacial Magic side was attacked by That Scarlet person, and the rot in the area is a side effect of that, of her killing that giant thing. Magic comes from space, and the theme of rotten and rebirth caunters that somehow. Eternity vs Nature

  2. Looks like at this point you've departed from content I've explored even outside my lorethrough! It'll be interesting to see how our two series diverge and where they cross!

    Another massive thanks for this series – this is my absolute favorite way I've seen someone play through the game.

  3. Keep up the awesome work and thorough playthrough!

    Just a minor heads up – at the 4:25 mark of the video, you can actually hit the skeleton's "corpse" before it reanimates, and that should kill it permanently (at least it worked for me). Definitely gave me some Dark Souls 1 Catacombs vibes, though (where you had to kill the Necromancers or kill the skeletons with divine weapons to permanent take them down)!

  4. My favourite was Part 5, when Eredin found out how to two-hand a weapon! 😂 Just kidding man, really appreciate the Loretrough!

    Btw the picture of Horrah Lux reminds me of Odin, when he impaled himself on Yggdrasil in an old legend. Just a little observation, i wonder if there is a connection/inspiration.

  5. I think the reason they are all in a sort of spirit form in that area is that it was the only way they could devise to not be infected with the spores, by transcending physical form

  6. Great video and theory about the rot seems very interesting looking forward to see if there is any supporting details in some lore. Only bad part is to wait for the next video everyday, i could easily watch more. Have you consider uploading more than one per day? Could be even as a hidden playlist for patreon supporters to watch them earlier?


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