Elden Ring | How to Get the Powerful SWORD OF NIGHT & FLAME – OP Weapon Location Guide

#EldenRing #FromSoftware #Gaming
Here’s a quick guide on how to get the powerful Sword of Night & Flame in Elden Ring. Full location guide.

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48 thoughts on “Elden Ring | How to Get the Powerful SWORD OF NIGHT & FLAME – OP Weapon Location Guide”

  1. I was rocking this sword for some time. We discovered one intresting thing if u use the beam on same time against boss you and your coop mate will deal 2x damage. I mean it enchance your damage if someone else lands at same time. Also the fire one shoots almost anyone in pvp but weapon art is quite predictable but if it lands u died but I suggest dont sleep on it, and enjoy other weapons as well.

  2. I'm using a faith build and will use this once I can increase my intelligence but I've watched people who have used it and its insane lol. I'll have to stick to my faithmore until I get it tho

  3. My fellow game enjoyers, please tread carefully in the comments. The gatekeeping elitist will arrive shortly to complain how this weapon is for "scrubby noobs" while they brandish their double bleed katanas 😂

  4. Stumbled over this weapon from a build video explaining how to grab this weapon within the first half hour if you wanted to. Definitely has been of big help and continues to be (but it isn’t like the weapon itself is an instant win since you can still get overwhelmed if you’re not careful or if whoever you’re fighting has certain resistances).

    Still, this is probably the most beginner friendly weapon you can get and once you have it, the game can become rather delightful.

  5. Used this weapon for a short while. It's very fun to use against mobs and it's OP against bosses. Switching to other weapons because using OP magic against bosses gets boring and I don't want to ruin the game by spamming it

  6. The damage on this is insane, but I feel like it's pretty much useless against fast / aggressive bosses. Against slow moving enemies it's probably the best weapon though. So it obviously is very strong, but I wouldn't call it "OP". Especially if you consider the attribute requirements. If you want to use it early, you are forced to spec purely into Int and Faith. If you want to use it late, it's alright – but at this point you have better options than this sword.

  7. I was worried about my Int/Faith spread because I was trying to learn every single spell I could come across. Then I found this weapon and it became my main weapon. Six direct hits is about the most I've needed to down any boss (though it does leave you wide open on the wind-up), and the flame swing is an excellent AoE tool unless you're up against, say, rats or dogs. My strat has been to let my summons attract the enemy's attention and then just laser them from the back, and it's worked perfectly so far.

    I'm a little disappointed that there's not some item that lets you cast sorceries and incantations at the same time, but I'm quite happy to know that they've allowed for caster builds to work up both stats for casting and still be ludicrously powerful. Definitely not a PvP weapon, but great if you just want to instagib bosses.

  8. This sword is a mid game trap. It makes you hesitant to move onto late game build since it means you’ll have to give up on the sword. Its extremely op mid game but doesn’t quite scale later on due to better weapons you have access to at this point. Tbh in term of the weapon by itself then nothing is better than this sword overall but its spread of faith/int means that you are stuck with a weird build. And I’m pretty sure its kamehameha beam only really scale with int while the flame arc scales with faith. You can go with pure int to boost the beam’s damage but it means you’ll be a mage build while your weapon arc does the most damage. Moonveil Katana frost mage is a much better mage build. I found the only thing that really works is a half faith/int with the seal that has B scaling with both. Forget sorceries since since most end game staffs only scales with int. Like a 40/50 int/faith spread works fine. It gives you ultility with faith incantations while making sure the hyper beam sword arc still does good damage. The seal that scales with both int and faith will have around 240-260 inc scaling which aint bad. Again there are better end game builds out there but if you have invested too much into this sword then it’s not a bad way to beat the game. This build sucks balls in pvp tho.

  9. I found this pretty early on in my play through and had to stop using it because it was starting to make the game genuinely boring by taking out every shred of challenge from the game, ESPECIALLY with Mimic Tear.

  10. It's a shame how many cool weapons are just a bit too powerful and make the game too easy. I'd enjoy a magic build but once you get to mid game they become way to easy to just wreck everything.

  11. this weapon is basically the easy mode for people who are absolute shit at the game insanely antifun to play but recks everything in seconds I only died 1 or 2 times in the entire game (ng+1) using this while not even paying attention playing effortless. once to boss after lake of rot which seems to be pretty resistant against magic dmg so I went to use the fire instead kamehameha and once to fire giant as hes not that easy to hit with kameha imho.

  12. I just finished beating Rennala, and in my opinion, Caria Manor has the most aggravating mobs I have encountered so far.

    Buuuuut the sword is found here soooo looks like I'll be doing a suicide run to it then


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