Elden Ring has people WORRIED…

Elden Ring has people WORRIED…
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Elden Ring has been pretty hype recently with its release date being a little bit less than 3 weeks away. With all the hype tho has come a rise of hate and people with misinformation just being angry. Today I hope to give a little insight to this whole controversy.

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40 thoughts on “Elden Ring has people WORRIED…”

  1. technical visual fidelity is pointless without good art direction

    good art direction carries the visual flair of any game no matter the genre

    botw is a prime example of this. on a purely technical visual level, botw is very lacking compared to other contemporary titles but the art direction is so good that people generally agree that it looks better than most of its contemporaries.

    could elden ring's technical visual fidelity be better? probably. does the art direction of the game give it a distinct visual flair that is pleasant to look at? fuck yeah it does. does the comparatively lower graphical fidelity of the game take away from the art direction enough to lessen and diminish the visual impact the game will have on players and subsequently reduce the quality of the gameplay experience overall as a result? not at all in the macro.

    there will definitely be people who are dissatisfied with game's graphical fidelity but they will absolutely remain a minority for this game's lifetime. i firmly believe people who are complaining about the graphical fidelity of the elden ring have a very shallow understanding of what makes a video game pleasing to look at.

    and for those even fewer people who do. it's not the graphical fidelity turning them off from it, it's the general aesthetic of the game as a whole which is purely a "to taste" argument

  2. For those who say bad graphics, don't forget that when posting a video (at least on YouTube) they look worse then what it actually looks like do to it being compressed ( I think that the right term)

  3. There's a lot of liberal transgender people worrying about and complaining about this game because it doesn't go to their political view or how they want the game to be so they're s***** on it

  4. I think the graphics for demon souls was more just sony trying to get people to buy a ps5 to show it off, it worked but unfortunately i aint buyin a ps5 till those prices drop, i dont mind waiting another 2 or 3 years for that to happen

  5. This seems like one of those articles where the worry is created instead of picked up on lol. Maybe It has you worried but there are lots of people that are excited and counting down the days. Release has been pretty smooth and From has been pretty transparent about their challenges making this as what they expect people will do in this game. There's always worry before a release..some people's main mode of interacting with games is worrying. Like the equivalent of a hypochondriac but for games lol. It's best to just set that shit to the side, and just judge it for yourself on release day.

  6. people are still going on about the graphics? just watch the character creator comparison between ds3 and elden ring. it’s like night and day. 100% better.

    then again, every new game has people complaining about the graphics if it’s graphics don’t set your computer on fire.

  7. Its not even 5x the fidelity of ds3 gtfoh, stop making excuses for lazy development. FS makes a shitton of money, they can afford photo realistic character models and better lighting techniques. They choose not too because they are cheap as fuck. Need more evidence of them being cheap as fuck? 60 to 70% of the animations, models and effects in ER are reused assets from previous titles.

    It is a mark against their quality that they cannot be bothered to make a "new game" for a "new IP" from a brand new foundation.

    If u dont get that, then youre too deep in your fanboy universe and need to step back from your emotions and analyze more.

  8. If you ever played a dark souls style game I’m sure you’ve had a thought like “ it would be awesome if this was open world” then elden ring shows itself, and now people say “it’s ALL reused assets, trash”. Isn’t this what we wanted?

  9. I think the graphics look wonderful, but in my opinion graphics are not top priority for me. I have played a lot of games that where gorgeous. But the game play sucked or no lore or very little that made sense. I play From Software games for the Lore and I like the play style.

  10. All the people who are pissed because of the graphics are filthy casul virgins who live with their mom still with a 0.00001 k/d at call of duty who get raped in Dark souls pvp

  11. Who cares about graphics in a from Software game? The quality of life improvements is enough for this game to succeed. "Not everything should be pretty to succeed, it needs the right art direction to complement the graphics"

  12. So many people are saying it's too similar yet the game isnt even out yet and none of them have any actual experience playing the game. How about instead of saying the graphics are shit because you cant see the individual pores on someone skin or complaining about basic reused animations you could play the game when it actually releases lol.

  13. i don’t know who is complaining here. i grew up on intelvision and atari. people don’t know how good they have it, and maybe should learn to appreciate the elements of life that are truly amazing. may i suggest starting with a really good apple.


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