Elden Ring First Playthrough – Part Ten

Broadcasted live on Twitch β€” Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/distortion2


17 thoughts on “Elden Ring First Playthrough – Part Ten”

  1. Already got the platinum on this game and still enjoy watching good players and how they navigated the first run. So unreal what a gem of a game this is. Can't believe they did it

  2. Guys I have 35hrs in this game and I feel like I'm nowhere even close to finishing the game what the fuck I wasn't prepared for this. It took me 80 hrs to beat every boss in DS2 I think I'm gonna die before I finish this game

  3. Hey, dist! Did you know it tells you how much a soul gives you if you was to sell it. Little tip! Keep up the great work. Love your channel πŸ™‚

  4. Everytime you fight the birds you always seem to roll away, I feel like rolling into them is the way to go or maybe sprinting. They seem to be designed to counter rolling

  5. theres a tear you can get for the flask of wonderous physix or however you spell it that puts a red bubble around you and complete negates the ring debuff he puts on you.

  6. I am loving this game, but, they did go c azy with the bs in this game. I don't care who whines over the comment. It's the truth. They added so much, difficult just to be difficult bs it's just irritating. Enemies attack, non stop, they have no stamina. Enemies attack right through your attacks, apparently they don't recognize you slamming them with a great sword. They have bs attacks that come out of nowhere, and are absurdly fast. Bs tracking, bs tracking ranged. This isnt the fair and even difficulty of thier normal games. Some of the bosses are just such trash , and purposely made unfair it's not even funny. This is not what I was hoping for. I figured it be caked with bs, it's a From game. The, "we want you to overcome" shit is old now.


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