Elden Ring Didn't Fold to the Mob

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25 thoughts on “Elden Ring Didn't Fold to the Mob”

  1. That story about your family into ELDEN RING was so cool. That reminded me of when my parents were really into me playing ONIMUSHA 2 when I got my first Playstation 2 back in the day. I love the games that are like movies!

  2. Both type of games should exist hard and easy

    I like games like mass effect and witcher, games where u can make ur own story and multible ending, witcher i play in normal mode

  3. Gameplay/combat mechanics wise they havent, but character creator wise they have. Which in this perticular game isnt such an issue due to the almost constant wearing of a helmet. Never the less the game is fatastic, and really gives me that old school gaming vibe back, before gaming went mainstream and submitted to its whims.

  4. AAA game devs looking for affirmation of their weak design choices.
    I remember playing games where I had to draw my own maps, keep my own notes, figure out puzzles with a pen and paper and a lot of thought. It was all doable and so rewarding when I finished the game. I don't need my hand held as long as the game is well designed. In most modern games I prefer to turn off the UI and immerse myself in the game and my character.

  5. This is what I mean when I say that game developers these days are lazy. I don't care how many hours and money you spend on graphics, animations, physics or dialogues. If your game is designed around hints and quest markers in a way that you can't even complete some quests if you disable them (coff coff Every modern Eidos Montreal game coff coff), your game is lazy, because you're skipping the process of producing relevant engaging gameplay.

  6. These game developers jealous of Elden Ring's success sound like the writers who are jealous of Brandon Sanderson's successful Kickstarter campaign ($26 million for four books as of this writing). Instead of trying to figure out why Elden Ring is so successful with fans or why Sanderson is able to get more than 100,000 people to buy in to his secret book release, they'd rather throw shade. It's easier to be jealous than it is to up your game!

  7. Melonie, me again. I need prayer from you and your group of praye warriors. I am going through a trying time. Temptation is knocking, so hard. I know temptation is not sin. But giving into it is. Thank you all.

  8. Throwing shade on someone's success is never a good look. And because I'm such a stickler for "character", it's insurance against me ever buying another title from them. (Edit) And I bet they're all playing ER right now.

  9. I am a big fan of Divinity Original Sin. It by no means holds your hand, requiring the player to explore both the world and dialog options. It is that deep involvement yields a truly rewarding game experience. Good game design should provide 'basic' instruction on hw to play, but should never hold your hand from beginning to end. Often 'game designers' will create shallow systems meant to create the illusion of accomplishment. I call it fast food gaming.

  10. Despite the woke stuff and hand-holding they fit into Horizon Forbidden West, it's still an excellent game. I loved the first one, and this one is even more expansive. Already feels like 3 to 4 times as big, with more puzzles. I'm a more casual gamer, though, and know that Elden Ring wasn't meant for me. Neither are a lot of other genres, but I'm glad they exist to get other people into the games I like.

  11. I agree, I don’t like everything it gives games more variety . I haven’t played any dark souls ( I tried demon souls s3 couldn’t get into it didn’t bother with the dark souls through lack of time, but I loved the onimusha games ps2 (which are quite hard) and platinumed nioh and bloodborne so I will get them eventually. Complaining about no easy mode when there are guides. Give me a break.

  12. Haha quest design? You mean there's quests where you have to pay attention and interpret what's being said? And search for an answer to the quest? Sounds like an actual quest instead of "hey go do this, here's a map marker so you can mindlessly continue the game"

  13. Modern gaming is a shitshow.
    Elden ring just showed up took a dump everything the modern game industry stands for and said "whatchu gonna do about it?"
    They showed everyone these companies CAN do better, that we should demand better, not just better graphics, but actually better games.

  14. I don't care what people like. If they like a game great if they dont great…but if a critic tells me they dont like a game cause its hard I mean come on thats just weak. My only complaint about any games like this are can i save anytime I like or do i need to do some tedious 30 min quest before I can save. I dont always have 30 mins sometimes I have less than 5 or 10 and I just wanna spend some time relaxing and progressing but nope can't save where I like…. gotta start all over. That's my only major complaint about modern games. I dont want an easy mode if the game is hard then fine I'll get better at it. But just give me the choice of when to save and I am fine. Have not looked at Elden ring at all but I'll only play it if it has frequent saves or save anytime I like.

  15. I loved zero dawn too, so I was really excited for forbidden west. Honestly though, they made Aloy just a cold and annoying bitch on top of the visual changes. I played it and beat the story, which wasn't as good as the first, but didn't bother getting the platinum like I did in zero dawn because it just wasn't enjoyable and Aloy just annoyed me to listen to. Elden ring on the other hand has surpassed all of my expectations, and I've been a huge fan since demon souls originally came out. The world is gorgeous, game play is tight and amazing and you just want to explore to find all the hidden caves and quests. I've spent over 100 hours in elden ring so far and probably 2/3 through the main story and still loving every minute of it. And running around with friends killing bosses is better than ever.

  16. Never cater to causal audience for they are transitory. The move from game to game sheerly by what their friend plays.

    As razorfist said 'To court a casual audience is to lose a casual audience.'


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