Elden Ring CRUSHES Sales Records & Twitter Has A MELTDOWN After Being Proven WRONG

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49 thoughts on “Elden Ring CRUSHES Sales Records & Twitter Has A MELTDOWN After Being Proven WRONG”

  1. Im a casual who has never beaten a souls like game and im addicted to Elden Ring! Running a nvidia geforce 2060 super I've been running the game at maximum and only lose a few frames when the weather gets crazy

  2. gatekeeping is a terrible thing, but making something some people dont like isnt gatekeeping. Pizza Hut doesnt gatekeep vegans from eating a meatlovers pizza.dont let ppl redefine words

  3. I pirated my copy of Elden Ring. While I generally don't like the game, and dislike your stance towards criticism on it. I do enjoy some of some gameplay aspects during playing.
    What I find ironic is to see how everyone's defending the game and attacking people in comment section when they defer from their positive opinions on it.
    There's no discussion needed really about it's difficulty. People's opinion on the difficulty is very divisive. I think that's also got to do with our experiences with previous games and whether we look through developers/game designer googles or not. I know for a fact that this game deliberately 'filters' their player base. You'll get what I mean, when making the following comparison; "You're not neurotypical, have impaired reaction speeds compared to regular standards and you're trying to go through a game like Thumper." This is what I feel this game does. Purposely letting the player loose into the world and having them stripped from their 'grinding' progress just because you entered an area you weren't supposed to.

    This game is undoubtedly great looking, epic and thrilling. But this difficulty and enemy's coding is definitely questionable when it comes to it's fairness.
    Then people will say; "What's unfair about it? You just gotta get good. Try to learn the patterns and you'll beat the foe."
    Well, I can start by saying that some of the bosses movement predictions are absolutely exaggerated. But that doesn't really matter, because that's not the point.
    What matters in the end is whether you find it FUN or not. For me it is NOT fun. I just end up quitting the game when I lose. Not out of frustration, just out of disappointment for the game not making me feel like I'm progressing.

  4. Elden Ring is my personal game of the year. Of course twitter is whining about the game being too hard. most people who live in twitter never had to deal with hardship and expect everything to be handed to them.

  5. Elden ring is a 100+ hour game. Its easily one of the best games ever made. Cant put it down. I’m a lil bummed so far that i went dex-int build instead of a faith-dex build but its fucking awesome. Its the culmination of all the souls-borne games. They pulled all their best punches from their other games and put em in elden ring.

  6. How funny would it be if they put a difficulty slider on it, that only made it harder than it is now.

    But yeah, having grown up with the release of the NES, kids these days don't know the pain of no continues, no saves, no mercy games

  7. Big fan of the game! Been playing almost every chance I get. It's funny that they slam its difficulty when it's the easiest game they've made yet. Gotta bitch about something I guess 🤷

  8. No Jeremy I know what the problem is these are the people who all got those participation trophies that mean everything but nothing mommy and daddy made so much of a fuss over those trophies that meant absolutely nothing because they never ever learned how to be their best at anything they never learned how to be defeated and they never learn how to try to strive to be their best at anyting and now that they're adults and a trying to play video games to show that they're cool with the rest of the crowd the video games are too tough for them and they whine and complain and now mommy and daddy's not there to cuddle them and make them give them a trophy and the trophy is completely worthless like the ones that they received when they were in school that's the whole problem they never knew what it was to come in first second third or last place and anything so they never learned the feeling of being in first place or being in last place and wanting to do better that's the whole problem that's why they turned out the way they are that's why they're the so-called Karen's and Ken's of the nowaday generation

  9. i still hope that fromsoft will come out with a Kingsfield 5 some day, if you think the journos are cracking the shits now they'll have a full rage induced meltdown playing Kingsfield games, because unlike souls which is designed to challenge the player, its predecessors we're designed to actually fuck with the player at every chance

  10. Elden ring is a fantastic game. I love it. It may very well be From's best game yet. For all the babies crying about there needs to be a easy mode…. make a magic based character. That's your easy mode. 😂

  11. After I started playing, the combat was really tough (I havent't played any Dark Souls game before). It was indeed so frustrating to get hammered into the ground by the first mobs over and over, that I had to educate myself on how to play this game – and after a few more tries, I DID get better.
    I would have never told publicly, ESPECIALLY as a games journalist, that this game doesn't appeal to others, because I'm not able to play it right – that would be so emberassing. Don't these people have ANY dignity?

  12. about as many people quit the darksouls clone with a horse that bought it…lol.streamers hyped it up so much and people didnt realize it was a dark souls clone…lol.

    its just a dark souls clone with a horse…….attack,dodge and pot….lol.

  13. Not only are these games "not as hard" as some of Ye' Olden Games, *but
    you couldn't just Google-up a vid about how you can win.*

    My first computer games were from, like, 1980. Literally had to talk yer dad into driving you sometime to the "big city" to ask the hippy nerd (who looked like Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons) if he had gotten past level 2 in the text-based Super Space Robo-Hookers that he sold you a month ago.

    Sometimes the software co. would give you a number to call. Didn't do that any more after Mom got the phone bill… 🥴

  14. Never played a souls game in my life before this. But im a witcher 3 fanatic After beating it in death march i got a glimpse of what its all about. When Elden Ring came out i knew i had to get it, i had to take the leap in to a real Combat RPG. I Love Elden Ring!!! Witcher3 is still my fave but i know Elden Ring is far better at what it does.

  15. It's funny when they say things like "elden ring needs to be easier, I want to play elden ring too."…. No.. They don't.. They want to play Spyro the Dragon wearing the skin of elden ring. They want to play a different game and call it elden ring so they can say they beat a game that's notorious for being difficult to cement their status of a real hardcore video game journalist. You just know if there were a slider they would all beat it on the easiest setting, but never admit they did… They would say " nah I beat it on normal mode." But we all know they'd be lying. XD

  16. Her "not one iota" doesn't even hold true.
    A. Bragging rights.
    Name one game where "I beat [x] on hard'' carries the same weight and renown as "I beat Dark Souls", or "I beat Getting Over it".

    Maybe something visually obvious like Guitar Hero or bullet he'll types, but nothing in its own genre. 
    B. Advertisement. 
    "Blank is the Dark Souls of blank."
    It's single hard difficulty is not only it's selling point but also brought it meme status.

  17. Elden ring is not a terribly hard souls game. The thing about a difficulty slider is it breaks up the community. When a souls game is released people start pooling information. Bosses weak points, strategies, locations of items (though those are spoilers) farming areas, progression paths, character builds. All of it. Thats why the communities for bloodborne or sekiro are so cool. If their was a difficulty slider, half that information wouldnt matter and fans wouldnt be equals as they discussed the finer points of the game.

    Fromsoft doesnt do it to leave people out. Not at all. They do it to bring people together

  18. They are complaining about a game that they have no interest in playing anyway. They just need to create an issue with what is hot at the moment for attention. It is pathetic.

  19. You can be forgiven because you lack a certain perspective. Some people who happened be already alive when PC's and later Internet became a thing, have an age that is way beyond the peak of their physical dexterity.

    Once upon a time they could, with máximum effort, conquer those tricky, fast and (sometimes) nerve racking stages you needed to pass to another level. But age comes at an unavoidable cost and well, these games are way beyond their time of reaction (etc.).

    That's not "not putting an effort" in life or anything else, it's just realities that every gamer (including you) will have to face, eventually. If and easier option is not offered (as a choice) you will be deprived of enjoying those games. Let's say, in the next 10 years (could be a good time frame, as a reference), you may be excluded of quite a portion of the "no easier options" games.

    Also, this may sound like anathema, but casual players also exist (people who play from time to time, who aren't especially nimble) and yes, you can argue that for them other games are available, but again, that's an unnecessary limitation.

  20. I gave up on Dark Souls because I was looking for a relaxing game type so I started playing Skyrim again. I’ll probably try dark souls again when I retire and have more time on my hands.

    If you’re a game reviewer STFU. It is literally your job to figure it out even if the game is hard. Stop bitching. It’s actually even more rewarding, when you finally beat that unbeatable boss.

  21. The Souls games aren't for me, but I will always believe they have an audience. I get the appeal of wanting a challenge. It's alright to not enjoy something that others like, though. That doesn't mean you have to freak out about it. Just realize that you aren't the target demographic and move on with your life.

  22. 3:40 i play on a laptop with rtx2060 at 1080p. Aside from the rare stutters which is a rare annoying happenstance and nothing more, it is the best game i have ever played in recent memory.


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