Ek Zalim Ky Zulm Ka Anjam||Hajjaj Bin Yusuf||Hazrat Saeed Bin Jubayr||Tasawar Noon

The end of a tyrant’s cruelty You will certainly not be unfamiliar with the name and personality of Hajjaj bin Yusuf. This person was appointed by Abdul Malik as the deputy of Makkah, Madinah, Taif and Yemen and his brother After the death of Bishr sent him to Iraq from where he entered Kufa, these places For twenty years, the Hajj pilgrimage continued, he sat in Kufa and won many victories During his reign, the scope of Islamic conquests was Sindh and other parts of India It spread till the Muslim Mujahideen reached China. This is the person whose It is said that he put Arabs on the Holy Quran. Allah raised him He was blessed with eloquence and bravery, this Hafiz of the Qur’an, alcoholism and debauchery He used to avoid, he was the right hand of Jihad and greedy for conquests. But one of his vices covered all these virtues and that Evil is also such that it overshadows all virtues and covers all good qualities Gives and that was evil? Cruelty… Despite all these virtues, Hajjaj was a great tyrant in his life On the one hand, the famous Mujahideen Qutiba of his time had taken the form of a bloodthirsty beast Bin Muslim, Musa bin Nazir and Muhammad bin Qasim were blowing the necks of the infidels and on the other hand he He was playing Holi with the blood of Allah’s servants, saints and scholars. Imam Ibn Katheer has quoted from Hisham Ibn Hasan in Al-Badaiya Wal-Nahiya that Hajjaj has killed one hundred and twenty thousand human beings, one by one in his prison cells During the day, eighty thousand prisoners have been held at the same time, of which thirty thousand would have been women were The last one he killed was the great Tabi and ascetic and pious person Hazrat Saeed Bin Jubeer was killed. After killing them, the pilgrims were terrified. They Had become a psychotic patient, when he was sleeping, Hazrat Saeed bin Jubeer held his lap They used to say, O enemy of God! Why did you kill me, what was my crime? … in response Hajjaj used to say what has happened to me and Saeed, what has happened to me and Saeed. This is what she did inside There was a fire which, when ignited, destroys peace and tranquility. At the same time, Hajjaj was afflicted with a severe disease known as Zamhri The cold would rise from the kidneys and spread over the whole body and he would become pale, full of fire The worn rings were brought to him and placed so close that his The skin burned but he did not feel it. When the sages were called, they said that Stomach cancer. A doctor took a piece of flesh and threaded it It was tied and taken down the pilgrim’s throat There were many insects clinging to the piece, the Pilgrims when the material contrivances When he was disappointed, he called Hazrat Hasan Basri and requested him to pray When he came and saw the condition of the pilgrims, he wept and it was said, “I forbade you to molest the pious servants.” don’t do
Don’t bother them, don’t oppress them, but don’t stop. Today Hajj was a lesson. He was burning both inside and outside was burning He was broken inside. So he killed Hazrat Saeed bin Jubeer After doing this, he could not survive for a long time and after only forty days he also died left, but there was a big difference between the death of Hazrat Saeed and Hajjaj. To Hazrat Saeed He was blessed with a martyr’s death, he left the world with such a suddenness that later I have set a milestone for future Mujahideen. He when from the world When he left, his heart was satisfied and his face was smiling. But pilgrims when from the world As he was going, he was burning in the fire inside. There was a darkness of regret on his face, hers One cruelty was remembered. All peacemakers and scholars were saddened by the martyrdom of Hazrat Saeed, but by the death of Hajjaj The righteous servants of Allah breathed a sigh of relief. Death of Hajjaj by Hazrat Ibrahim Nakhai When he heard the news, he wept with joy were erased so that people would not take his body out and burn it. Allahu Akbar! These fears The grave of the man was happening in front of the people in his life When they used to stand up, they used to get shivers and people would go mad with fear of it They used to make it. Asma’i has narrated an incident that when Hajjaj Hazrat Abdullah bin Zubair was killed He came to Medina after graduating from So he found a sheikh outside Madinah because of the pilgrims’ face He was veiled, so he did not recognize the pilgrim The sheikh inquired and said, “The situation is very bad. The disciples of the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, have been killed.” are Hajjaj asked who killed them? The Shaykh replied, “A fajar and a transgressor.” And the accursed person, whose name is Hajjaj, may Allah destroy him and all

ایک ظالم کے ظلم کا انجام

#HafizQuran #MuhammadBinQasim
#AlbadayaOAnnihaya #Zalim
#HazratSaeedBinJubayr #Zulm
#HazratHassanBasri #Noon


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