Eden is Required – Shadowbringers FFXIV

Shadowbringers remixes and breaks down its lore, while providing tidbits for the upcoming Endwalker. All with quality raiding goodness. This is the Eden Report.

0:00 – Intro
5:24 – Eden’s Gate
11:40 – Eden’s Verse
21:44 – Eden’s Promise

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34 thoughts on “Eden is Required – Shadowbringers FFXIV”

  1. Ryne wasn't just Shiva when she kicked our ass she was also channelling "Hydaelin" with the Light aspect in the fight as well. Represented by her outfit matching the mural, the 'Stomp' and the mini-Mothercrystals.

  2. In the scene where Mitron talks to Logrif in the past, Mitron implies (from what I understand) that Logrif, as the Oracle of Darkness, was meant to be Zodiark's Heart, but something happened to her. She might have died in the Final Days or from something else, and Elidibus was chosen as the next best candidate.

  3. Eden looks like a spaceship because that's what Eden looks like in FF8. This is the FF8 themed raid.

    Also Gaia should have been Zodiark, that just blew my mind. I normally don't like goth themed characters but Gaia's design is just 🤌👍

    ED: Honestly I would appreciate a friendship between them. I get tired of 2 people not being able to be very close without sliding in a romantic relationship, whether same sex or not. Think of say Sam and Frodo, super close beyond family, but definitely bot intended by the author to be romantic in that way

  4. The Cloud Of Darkness model in Eden 9 is from the crossover fighting games on the psp (and the arcade/ps4 one but we don't talk about that game). That design is technically based on the Amano art and it would be otherwise hard to make a fighting game version of the thing from FF3 / Crystal Tower but let's be honest, it's really just an asset reuse.

  5. With all the shipping of Gaia and Ryne, it seems most people miss that both of these characters are having a new beginning. Ryne separate from her manifestation of Minifilia and Gaia's decision to accept a new life. And using Eden as the name, a place which birthed life, for the birth of their new lives on the first. I know someone will come at me with the rainbow crystal, but rainbow can also mean "new beginnings" in asian cultures. I ascribe much of their awkwardness to their own pasts – it's not like they know how to be normal people. They are trying together and for me people can do that as friends (I hope) and not just romantically or sexually. I have no issues with people having their own fan theory though. Those theories are us examining ourselves to some degree and how hard it was to make new friends, go on a first date, create a new path in life, or whatever someone empathized with in these moments.

  6. I love how primals tend to take similar shape to the race that summons them. Most of these versions are influenced by a midlander, Ryne. Leviathan just seems an exception, but he does not look like a Sahaguin on the source, either.

  7. By the time Adbert's gang defeated Mitron, the world was already borderline tilted fully towards the light. Adbert unadvertedly ushered the world's doom by using Light as his weapon, tilting it fully to the light Himself.

    Had Minfilia not intervened, the world would have been a light wasteland like the void.

  8. I thought it was pretty clear. Reincarnation is a thing in the world of 14.

    Person dies, goes to the aetherial sea. New souls come from the aetherial sea. When an ascian is permanently destroyed, their soul is not exempt from this. They die and are reborn just like everyone else. The ascians just find these reborn souls and return their memories to them.

  9. So regarding the "Ascian death" talk without any spoilers:
    Ascians can either be killed temporarily or permanently. Temporary=Current body destroyed but can respawn quickly. See: Lahabrea end of 2.0, Nabriales first death, Emet getting shot by Varis etc.
    Permanently=Killed in a way that completely obliterates them and their soul cannot manifest itself again and is instead sent into the Aetherial Sea to be properly reborn. See: Every Ascian that we've defeated completely.

    I don't think it's ever fully specified but I think when Ardbert defeated the Ascian Prime of Mitron and Loghriff it was Loghriff that has taken the blunt of the attack and died permanently to be reborn, while the rest of the attack couldn't fully finish off Mitron but instead warped him into a sin eater.

  10. The thing that bugs me about the relationship angle is.. Just keep everything the same, just swap the gender of one of them….

    There is still no confirmation either way. This thing always happens when two people so much as show a hint of caring for another human being. But whenever it's the same gender, people REALLY flip their shit to make sure people KNOW the ship is 'obviously canon'. It's annoying.

    See Sora and Riku.

    FFS girl has never actually had a friend before. Are you really on the train that she's so down bad she falls for the first human in her age category she meets?

  11. Since there is some confusion about the rebirth, I'll drop some ARR lore again (explained by Minfilia, you showed a bit of the cutscene): After death, souls return to the aetherial sea. Eventually, souls are reborn in a new life. But this is not an instantaneous thing. This game leaves nothing untouched but this time around it seems like you guys are asking some questions about how it took Gaia so long to be reborn and why she's a child. Simple: She spent the rest of this time in the aetherial sea. It's not like the second that we killed Lahabrea, a child was born somewhere twirling his not-yet-grown mustache, pondering how he can thwart those dastardly scions next time. No, he's in the aetherial sea. The underworld, as the ancients called it. They will be reborn, eventually. But not now.

  12. So, here's the thing about the memory stuff. We have good evidence that other beings have summoned primals in ways that look NOTHING like the original inspiration. Specifically, we've seen an image (a poster) of what Bahamut originally looked like, a poster that shows all of the members of the First Brood.

    He had completely different horns, and golden scales, and FEATHERS, and while he was definitely meatier than his siblings, he was still a noodle.

    So if his mate, who summoned Elder Primal Bahamut specifically because she wants vengeance for his death…and yet he looks so severely different.

    Summoning is an inherently imprecise art and results in products that don't match up with the memories you draw upon.

  13. My theory isn't that our memory is bad, but that we can't help but think alsp of 'similar' encounters as we think of these primals. Like how Ramuh is an amalgamation of Ramuh, Ranjit, and Ixion. Those were all powerful, lightning-weilding encounters. So I think Wden grabs not just the one thing we're trying to think of, but surrounding, related memories too.

  14. 32:34 essentially what happened to Gaia was, she properly died, returned to the aetherial sea and eventually reincarnated.

    The Ascians need a certain level power remaining to allow them to cheat death and the manner she died left her too weak to employ her trick.

  15. Eden isn't just themed on references to FFVIII, but also Illusion of Gaia. The overall story arc is identical and that final shot of Eden, all lush and green with the big tree in the back, is literally the box art for IoG.

  16. Ascians dont "die" unless you trap them with auracite and hit them with a blade of light. When they DO die they're not 'destroyed', their soul just goes to the lifestream where they're dead like anyone else who dies. Any soul in the lifestream can end up being reborn.

  17. I know you hand-waved away E11 as the Daddy Issues fight with Thancred/Ran'jit/Lightwarden, but I honestly find it rather interesting. The boss itself is named Fatebreaker. As Mini-Minfilla, Ryne's fate was to always fight the Light Wardens. Ran'jit, wanted to save her from that fate by locking her away in a dungeon. On the other hand, Thancred helped her become someone other than Minfilia – someone who could choose their own destiny rather than inheriting Minfilia's fate. While yes, they are both father figures in some sense, they also both sought to break her free from her Mini-Minfilia fate. It's a manifestation of Ryne's desire throughout much of Shadowbringers to be her own person that she had to suppress to save the world.

  18. I like the idea of Ryne and Gaia being in a relationship, but I don't fault people who read into that differently. There are really toxic people on both sides of that argument that have really put me off to cheering for either outcome, because then that would mean that a ton of shitty people will be right on an argument.

  19. The Eden Storyline was truly what opened my eyes to the side content being worth it’s salt. Given it was the first raid series I sunk my teeth into after doing the MSQ current, it holds a special place in my heart. I only pray Ryne and Gaia get more attention in the future.

  20. Something overlooked is the fact that Artemis was a goddess. I don't think that's something that the FFXIV team would change here. I imagine that means that the Amaurot version of Mitron was female and over the course of the centuries eventually reincarnated as the guy we saw in the raids.

  21. I remember the first time I called the Thancred/Ranjit hybrid fight Dad-amorphosis, the rest of the boys were dying either choking or howling

    (The fight is nornally called anamorphosis, so y'know)


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