ECSO Water Rescue

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41 thoughts on “ECSO Water Rescue”

  1. Our law enforcement men and women never know that will happen on their shift. Good on the officer that helped and put his own life in danger doing so. Thank goodness that it worked out and a happy ending.

  2. Thank goodness the pipe was not debris grated on either end or they would not have escaped and likely been torn apart.
    There was an underwater fatal diving accident in the Gulf of Mexico (American Oilfield Diver's) in the 1980's where a diver got sucked into a subsea well casing after he had removed the cap. Inexperience. You always gingerly reach out with your gloved hand to test for suction, often visibilty cannot help you.
    I was a commercial diver.
    I did a diving job where we were repairing a broken dam wall that allowed water to pass through. The county or state had been throwing in whatever to try to block it up. Eventually, they bit the bullet and had it repaired professionally. We had to lay a thick rubber mat across the face of the hole, extending out a sufficient degree.
    We, divers, had a wire cable connected to our safety harness to prevent passage through the hole. It was terrifying to approach the opening and have your gloves or boots sucked off like nothing. Pitch black, even with light the water was so murky you could not see, we worked in the dark (which in normal on many jobs).
    As I would lie in the decompression chamber doing the routine decompression given the depth/time constraints I would envision being sucked into and through, being pushed into some little alcove with the main current within reach, still with my diver's helmet receiving air with communications and absolutely no way to get out short of draining the reservoir.

    Lastly, though I understand why, it's still a shame that the deity delusion is referenced and praised in this day and age.
    This was basic physics and luck, no magic men in the sky myths were involved.

  3. Their reaction after just surviving a near-death experience was amazing. For a second they thought they might die. Then to be sucked out the other end and realize they are alive and the shock and then the officer was thrilled to make it out of that one! Crazy stuff man. He ought to be honored.

  4. I think the deputy and the citizen are friends for life now. They shared an unique experience, they almost died, they survived.

    GJ to the Police Officer, trying to save a life.

  5. But the left want to defund the Police and BLM preaches that cops hate Black people. This one vodeo shows me the leftist liberals and Democrats are full of #%*t.

  6. And some losers want to do away with police. Well take a good look and that could be you or someone you love. The next time you think you're not being respected and that you're being treated so badly, remember this.

  7. oh my God. my heart was pounding watching this. They bother heroes to one another. They went through something together that very few survive together. Bless you both. From Zartelle in Newfoundland, Canada.


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