(EAST) Palestine & What You Need to Know – Bible Changes | Mandela Effect

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9 thoughts on “(EAST) Palestine & What You Need to Know – Bible Changes | Mandela Effect”

  1. It is known pollen can travel roughly 400 miles. NYC is about 250 miles East(wind) of Palestine, Pa. The damage from the hydrochloric compounds in the air & the acid rain carried/falling now East of Palestine, Pa. is yet to be known. This "white noise" incident in Palestine is tragic & though the cleanup has begun, the damage is spreading. White noise has several meanings that you can investigate. There is an image online comparing acidic coffee to acidic rain- 1 is a stimulant & the other a lethal issue (the image used a different word than lethal). Thoughts & prayers for all affected- people, animals, plants & land.

  2. @9:40 – I don't understand what you're suggesting. The Satanic NWO created the state of Israel, not Yahwah or His Son. Palestine has been under attack by the Esau Edomites – that crucified Jesus. Their bloodline goes back to Cain. Esau bred with those descendants of Cain and they lived in Edom, before squatting in Judea. They have no rights to that land. WW2 was partly about that Land Grab Deal, that was planned long before WW2 began.


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