Dungeons and Dragons: Perpetual Stew

Halloween Homebrew Special, the Perpetual Stew and Hell Broth are cauldrons of magic stew, awakened through mystic ingredients.

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41 thoughts on “Dungeons and Dragons: Perpetual Stew”

  1. I have three hags in my home brew and this makes for a wonderful addition to their lore. The hags are chaotic good and helpful to the PCs most of the time, when it suits them and their designs. Having a living stew never crossed my mind. Thank you😂😂😂

    There is a PC in the group that has a hexborn alchemist artificer and might bring this up as a familiar.

  2. This sounds like something from the Feywild. There are stories of talking bread asked to be taken out of the oven, apple trees who want their apples picked, etc. There could be a fun Feywild story where the Archfey is an awakened stew asking for rare ingredients. And now I want to run that adventure.

  3. I like the idea of the stew having an emergency humaniod soup dumpling mode or mash potato cradle if its spilt on the ground. There are supposed to large soups that are never refreshed in some asian restaurants. That would bea great idea for like a village elder stew in a local of community eating hole.

  4. Polymorphed stew convinces hobbit community it's caretaker family is still alive out of fear what another ambitious hobbit family would do. PCs horrified to find their "Ph Nuetral," quest giver suddenly puddled in the middle of the dinning room table.

  5. I grew up in rural Alabama, born into a home with a coal stove in the kitchen and a wood stove in the living room, and an outhouse out back. Grandma always kept a pot of stew on the stove and all of the leftovers went in plus whatever we foraged, trapped or fished from the local creeks. We farmed our land, sold the extras at the market. We worked odd jobs for neighbours that brought in a little money. We scratched out a living, but we never felt poor.

  6. I am imagining a tavern run by a family of soup pots. Mama stew in the kitchen cauldron. Papa stew is a brewer, soup bard to entertain, maybe a laundry bucket full of fragrant flowers caustic soda and saparin rich berries, and the doorman/ boiler is a fiery brew in a steam work golem or stationary construct responsible for lighting hot water and mechanical functions. Plot hooks possible stolen family recipe by their cousin the food cart.

  7. I don't see why it needs to be a stew, specifically. What about a dwarven still that has been kept going and hasn't been completely emptied in hundreds of years?

    It's a sapient ooze, a booze, if you will, who just enjoys brewing alcohol for the hardworking dwarves to relax with. Probably a bit brusque, but attentive to the needs of others. Especially if you're tired and sore, and you just need a good beer.

  8. Thank you! This is an awesome idea for a creature and I'm already looking for places to add them. I'm thinking a potion shop in the frozen north, where the stew is the actual potion maker while a slightly ruthless, though not malicious, shopkeeper keeps it warm and fed in exchange of service. I mean, where else is it going to go? It's well below freezing, on the warmest days, outside. 😉

  9. WOW…A "modified' shield golem as a mobile cooking pot for a perpetual stew to use as a body.. AwEsOME!!🥳🤯🤯😳🤤🤤😎… I'd imagine the "stew golem" would need some sort of heat/fire runes inscribed and enchanted to keep the "pilot" stew comfortable… so many possibilities… lil halfling nanies, battle medics, new interesting RP experiences if it's used as player character.
    AJ thanks so much for these amazing vids this one is now in top 5 favorites of your vids for me. keep up the amazing work and have an awesome holloween.

  10. This is one of the most unique creature concepts I have heard in a while. Which is difficult considering you pull the most strange and obscure monsters of D&D history into the spotlight every week.

    I would love to see a Volo's Guide style chapter on the Perpetual Stew and the variations of it.

  11. A perpetual stew of oil, coolant, grease, and maybe a few screws/bolts found in a Gnomish workshop. A few levels as an armor artificer here, a couple of heating coils there. Toss in some tool proficiencies and bam!
    Magical Mobile Garage.

  12. Oh the possibilities, Like everything in DnD to every rule there has to be an exception, Is how about a gaspato, A cold perpetual stew that can only survive only survive in frigid but not freezing environments It wouldn't want to get freezer burn

  13. I have always included perpetual stew in my campaigns, and never thought to use it like this! Your videos are such a fantastic fountain of inspiration, I thank you so much for helping in coloring and infusing my worlds with such great ideas like this one.

  14. A Halfling caravan could make quite a living as a traveling restaurant with one of these at it's hearth. The flavor of their dishes change based off what local ingredients they can chuck in the living stew. I once added an NPC traveling cook who was a cleric of Fharlanghn to a campaign. He had a strange back harness grown from living wood by a druid which looked like elegant curved branches sprouting from his back to dangle different spices, cookware and produce off of. He also had an animated hanging cooking pot that acted like his pet and ambled around on tripod metal legs.

  15. This reminds me of the growths you see in cultured buttermilk.
    Those growths are basically immortal colonies of many different useful bacteria that constantly grow as long as there are good conditions. I can easily see someone tossing such things into a low heat simmering perpetual stew and having interesting results. That actually sounds nice, I think I'll try making a living perpetual stew analog one of these days.

    One could use a vessel in which portions can be and are readily kept merely warm while other sections are kept nice and hot.
    One could in an edible growth medium held within such a vessel grow all sorts of interesting and wonderful things.

  16. Having watched every single momster video you have, I think this might be the best one you've made yet!
    I am DEFINITELY making the halflings of a particularly cold region in my setting organize their extended families around particular cauldrons of Forever Stew.


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