Drive-by shooting caught on camera during interview about crime solutions

Our crew was interviewing a Whitehaven community leader when shots rang out from across the street. Thankfully everyone was OK.


42 thoughts on “Drive-by shooting caught on camera during interview about crime solutions”

  1. Sad that adults can't help the teens no matter how much they try. It's going to take millions of positive teens to influence other teens in order for any chance of changes.

  2. It's not the guns, it's not more laws, it's not all the crap they say to get you to vote for democrats. It's thug culture raising kids instead of good fathers. This is happening generation after generation now. We do little to counter it.

  3. Thank the Lord for their safely, now here's a solution. Anyone found to harbor these known criminals will lose All their government assistance FOREVER! Momma, baby momma, lil sis, auntie! Any and everyone.
    Also, pro tip, any place with a "community center" is a place you don't want to be around.

  4. Your Fu(king god is pathetic because if you're god is so good how come he allows all this killing and shooting and besides if there's a god then he's a pedophile also and a lier,a thief and he would be the world's biggest serial killer… just saying facts people

  5. So let me get this straight, the Govt. DONT want us to reprimand our children when they are doing wrong, the teachers cant either, and then you expect these kids NOT to be unruly? If you think THIS is anything, wait a few more years and youre going to be shocked!! But, im guessing thats THEIR agenda, THIS is what THEY want. Ok then, Wait till it reaches YOUR doorsteps, and its YOUR children…I guarantee youll want to do something then..but it WILL be too late.

  6. This is why White people dont want to live around blacks. The few nice and law abiding people, like the lady being interviewed, are just that. Few. The majority are driven by low impulse control and selfishness. If black people cant solve the problems of the "black community", how can White people have a solution? And why should we. We dont have this problem in majortiy White areas. Poor or wealthy.

  7. It’s sad but I hate to say it. The blood of Jesus is not going to protect you. This world needs to be cleansed with the fire of god. To deal with these savages.

  8. Police. Sweep the city. Stop every car. Search every building. Verify and.confiscate every illegal firearm. Heavily charge and convict those who possess them. Send a strong message across the nation. This is out of control.


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