Dreadful River – Early Access Trailer

Begin your journey on February 28th.
GOG: https://www.gog.com/game/dreadful_river
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1807360/Dreadful_River/


25 thoughts on “Dreadful River – Early Access Trailer”

  1. To those complaining about it not being "Enderal 2":
    When Enderal was made, SureAI was a large team of modders and volunteers.
    After the completion of Enderal, the vast majority of them left and e. g. started working at commercial studios – and that's understandable, you can't exactly expect people to keep working for years without getting paid.
    So what happened as a result is that SureAI went from being a large (unpaid) studio creating total conversions to being a commercial but very small studio.
    I don't think anyone should be surprised either, given that Mad Restaurant People already released 4 years prior.

  2. Looks interesting! I'm really looking forward to play this. The trailer cpuld be a bit more exciting, but especially the traveling by boat parts looks good.
    Keep up the good work, and ignore the people who were expecting "Enderal 2" (whatever that was supposed to mean).

    You guys have to explore and grow as a development team, try out new things, make more money, and make what you guys want to make. And from the looks of it you are on a good way of achieving this.

    Gute Arbeit, Jungs und Mädels!

  3. Looks fun.

    Y'all are complaining about enderal too much. Let the studio do what it wants to. (Though when TES6 comes out I would love to help work on another modding project if you ever plan on it)

  4. Played the demo for 2 hours, there is obviously still a lot that will be added in the future but so far i enjoyed it. Am really excited for all the things to come.

  5. Is it i to use anchor or L? 'I' opens inventory and L doesn't seem to do anything. I have to use R to get rid of the anchor. How is this a thing?
    Why is this capped at 60fps? Ffs, it's 1 to use anchor. Great font.
    Now I'm trying to pick up a box and it just keeps pulling up the wheel menu. You couldn't say in game 'hold e' to pick up box?
    The wheel menu automatically closes the first time I open it. All this plus the performance issues and capped frames and I don't want to play.
    Just feels like a rushed console game. The demo being over 8 gigs made me not want to install to begin with. Oh well.

  6. how from making games that rivaled morrowind oblivion fallout 3 and skyrim the studio didn't grow to become a huge force that would make cdred bethesda and ea shake, but yall chose to cut down and become indie?


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