Dozens of cars in San Jose's Willow Glen neighborhood broken into overnight

Some residents in San Jose’s Willow Glen neighborhood woke up Friday to a sea of broken glass after someone smashed out the windows of dozens of cars. Damian Trujillo reports.

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37 thoughts on “Dozens of cars in San Jose's Willow Glen neighborhood broken into overnight”

  1. I'll tell you why this happened here. Because the police were too busy harassing everyone else. Maybe had they been doing their jobs they might have caught someone but oh well i guess we should pay cops more to get tanks.

  2. WTF is a 'community service officer?' You people do understand that you're doing this to yourselves, right? You get that, right? At this point, it's not the criminals fault any more. A scorpions gotta sting, right? Another question, I was told when I was kid there was a big earthquake coming that would break California off from the country. Do you know when it's coming. Just curious.

  3. I don't get why the cops don't pull cell tower ping info. They probably know this was middle of the night, and they can track the cell to a pretty accurate range.

  4. im glad i moved out from san jose a few years ago. it's getting worse. stay away from liberal states. but maybe the criminal said, it;s ok, you guys are rich! it's nothing to replace the windows.

  5. You all in California voted blue which everyone knows is soft on crime so now deal with it. Want the criminals to actually be held responsible for their actions then stop supporting the pedophile dementia patient pretending to be a president and vote red. It is that simple it really is.

  6. I have a theory, seeing different race other than Asian, meant that they are trying to run these ppl out so “NEWSOM” can sell them house to the Chinese Communist, believe you me, they’re out there somewhere utterly close, cash 💰 is ready to move in…take that to the bank.

  7. I stayed at a hotel in Las Vegas one month ago and had my SUV broken into. 3 luggages were stolen. The hotel security guard took one photo of the culprit and then the culprit showed off a gun and the guard ran off. Guess who is the culprit? A BLM member.


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