DOOM 4 VANILLA MOD: Doom 2016 Re-imagined for Classic Sourceports! 4 Custom Maps on Ultra-Violence

Links & Chapters below! This is the Doom 4 Vanilla mod by Noiser played in DSDA on what the mod calls Ultraviolence difficulty (3rd option) with pistol starts. This mod re-imagines what Doom 2016 would be like with vanilla Doom, and I think it’s very successful! The changes are limited since they require dehacked, but it also means they are quite tasteful and stick to classic Doom gameplay. Many weapons are beefed up version of classic weapons, while enemies are often a little faster and have some extra behaviours from the modern games. In this video I played 2 Boom compatible wads custom made for this mod! The first is Chrono-Displacement Labs, a single map by meapineapple. The second is a 3 map wad called Drought by Tango. I found them quite difficult on the 4th difficulty option, Nightmare, so I played on Ultraviolence and quite enjoyed them. Stay tuned for more Doom 4 Vanilla as I test it out with another first for this channel: the Obsidian procedural generation tool!

Get the Doom 4 Vanilla mod here:

Chrono-Displacement Labs by meapineapple:

Drought by Tango:

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00:00 Intro
00:25 Chrono-Displacement Labs by meapineapple
07:15 Drought by Tango Map 1: UAC Mars Base 01
10:36 Tango Map 2: UAC Mars Base 02
18:11 Tango Map 3: UAC Mars Base 03
33:17 Tango: Thanks for Playing


7 thoughts on “DOOM 4 VANILLA MOD: Doom 2016 Re-imagined for Classic Sourceports! 4 Custom Maps on Ultra-Violence”

  1. I'll never understand the hunt for older port compatibility. I feel D4T is all you can ever hope for in "doom 4 in doom 2" mod. This… this is like an incredibly complex version of that Doom running on Notepad.

  2. Hi sandwedge, I'm the one you made of fool of over on Snax's video in the comments (about Hedon), lol.

    Decided to sub because you have a lot of cool Doom content. About that, this looks super awesome! Good thing I use Crispy Doom so I can try it out. (DSDA is my main source port but Crispy is my alternative.)


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