DANBURY Should Explain. . Long Island Audit Trial

I found some VERY INTERESTING things when I looked into Danbury and its public servants. . .

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45 thoughts on “DANBURY Should Explain. . Long Island Audit Trial”

  1. If we ever had doubts about corruption within this Dept it’s been certainly been proven after this.
    Plus they don’t even seem to be covert about it ..proud even.

  2. Because these sexual predators need to be hunted down and punished to the full extent of the law . Yes I am very mad that he is not under a jail. Are you sure it is because you suck at law and you enjoy the company of pedos

  3. Any time a person starts their video with “ I’m not your attorney and to seek advice in your jurisdiction” turn you know they are very legitimate. She is truly here to help We the People.

  4. At 12:25 you mentioned you were filming this on 7th Feb 2022, it should of been 2023. But dang girl amazing work, you have one seriously smart head on your shoulders. The corruption in Danbury is disgusting, so glad you jumped on board with Sean, thankyou!

  5. They made it an infraction trial so there was no jury. If there were a jury things wouldn't have turned out like they did. Not guilty in a heart beat they didn't want that

  6. I hate to say this, but Danbury is a bunch of "Good Ole White Boys." There needs to be more diversity so they can stop the corruption. Why is everyone a white man? Stop the corruption.

  7. This city messed up massivily. Malliciouse persecution is what this. Hes appealing because this is disgusting. Ive been on seams page since ye had 30k sub. Like its crazy they think they gonna get away with this. Like tresspasaing on public property my ass

  8. Judge needs to be sent to prison. He knows exactly who he is and what he has been doing for years. Can you imagine how may people suffered extreme rights violations, jail time, fines, and illegit charges in the past under this idiots rulings? He is a CRIMINAL!

  9. If i was the Danbury tyranny crew right now, i would be afraid… very afraid. And how that security guard Phil can go hands on and not only not be charged, but to get coached by police and told what to say in an official statement used as evidence is mind blowing. 💥


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