Don't cheap out on this ONE tool! You'll regret it

Are you just entering the horological hobby? Or are you a seasoned veteran? In either case, I want you take a hard look at your tool set, especially your spring bar tool, because you will rely on it more than you know.

A spring bar tool will help you change a bracelet or strap. Simple! But a GREAT spring bar tool will ensure you do it without damaging your watch case.

Watch this video to hear my thoughts on spring bar tools, and tools in general.

To purchase the items discussed:

Thanks for watching!


25 thoughts on “Don't cheap out on this ONE tool! You'll regret it”

  1. I tried contacting Long Island Watch twice over 3 days and nothing. I don't know what he's talking about how people always email him. I guess he may read them, can anyone chime in…does he answer anyone?

  2. 100% agree. The Bergeon is worth every penny. I opted for the 7767 for a few bucks more because it has a tendency to roll less because it has deeper knurling. I have two of them plus spare forks and pins. I think a good case back opener would be my next recommendation over screwdrivers. And add a role of Kapton tape to protect lugs and case backs from scratches.

  3. yes good small screwdrivers are often difficult to find , the cheap one will often brake , or not grab well philips screw , use them most for small electronics or for camera lent's , and often they use lock tight on throws

  4. Couldn't agree more. All the "cheap" tools I ever bought were probably more expensive than a high quality equivalent would've been … because the cheap ones don't do a good job and they tend to break or wear out much quicker. If you've ever tried to assemble an Ikea product with the super basic Allen-keys they provide you with in the package and then switched to a set of high-end Allen-keys (and/or bits for a power screwdriver), you'll know.

  5. Hi Marc.
    What about your tool kit (that is currently out of stock) TSA9011?
    Are You just not selling that one anymore? Not only does it come with a few more tool but it seems some may be better quality? How are the drivers in that kit compared to the one You mentioned?
    Speaking of quality… I truly believe You should do a video on Spring Bar quality and who makes the best, third party of course.
    Is $5 a bar set really better than $2 a set..

  6. So true. I have a Bergeron spring bar tool and it is worth the price and then some. I also have a cheap version. Both have the broad fork on one end and the precision fork on the other. I can immediately tell the cheap one when I pick it up because the broad fork is bent. It’s made out of pot metal. A tough leather strap will literally make it fold.

  7. I bought the Burgeon 6767 after bending/breaking the ends of cheaper variants. I bought a good priced set of screwdrivers from China that can use the Burgeon blade inserts if (and when) needed. Haven't had the need yet as the quality of the originals are very good. One thing I've learned over the years is good quality tools (regardless of the trade) are so much more satisfying to use than cheap rubbish.


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