Donkey Kong Country

Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask for donkey kong country for the super nintendo.

donkey store


31 thoughts on “Donkey Kong Country”

  1. Donkey kong december has made me realize i need to REALLY go back and play these games all the way through. I always pick them up for a couple days at a time and never finish them, what a mistake

  2. I had DKC2 back in the day and found it aggravating and never beat it. I just recently (within the past few months) played through DKC1 on the Miyoo Mini with the help of save-scumming and can summarize the problem with these games: they're filled with gotcha moments where you have extremely little time to react before something kills you, and you just need to memorize all of the gotchas to progress, and because of the limited-lives system you can be reset back to the beginning of the game. All of this was clearly done to pad out the length of the game, because without them (or if you use save scumming) the game is not very long.

    So, I don't think these games are worth people's time nowadays on a purely-fun level.


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