Donald Trump Speech | Trump Addresses Pray Vote Stand Summit |Trump News LIVE |Trump Vs Biden | N18L

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Donald Trump Speech | Trump Addresses Pray Vote Stand Summit |Trump News LIVE |Trump Vs Biden | N18L

Former President Donald Trump told two powerful social conservative groups that Republicans need to do a better job talking about the issue of abortion.

“We can win elections on this issue, but it’s very delicate and explaining it properly is an extremely important thing. You have to be able to speak and explain it properly. A lot of politicians who are pro-life don’t know how to discuss this topic,” Trump told the leadership summit of the Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee in Washington, D.C.

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22 thoughts on “Donald Trump Speech | Trump Addresses Pray Vote Stand Summit |Trump News LIVE |Trump Vs Biden | N18L”

  1. What was the long pause with the melodramatic music for? 😂😂😂😂😂 Drama queen trump never cease to amaze me. His supporters are easily influenced by his nonsense.

  2. Free speech that build up American people not to destroy them. The real source of destruction is no other than the enemy of the LIVING GOD. The name of this enemy is no other than satan or the deceiver of many.

  3. CNN-News 18, Trump has been lying to Conservative Christians; he is not a Christian he is using so called Conservative Christians (Pray Vote Stand Summit) with wrong beliefs in him. A Christian follower of Christ has good morals in character. Covid bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2020 have wrongfully killed many People in the US and in Worldwide Countries. Let Trump and his Staff provide to Authorities laptops, computers activities, phone records, Meeting Logs, Gates videos etc about Covid briefing(s) they had at the White House in October 2019 and in November 2019 with Federation of American Scientists or their Associates; before Covid outbreak in Wuhan China animals wet-Market in 2020 (Media info. If those ITEMS are deleted or missing, there was a coverup in COVID BIOTERRORISM CONSPIRACY in 2020. Covid Pandemic have killed over 1 million US Citizens and over 6.42 million Worldwide Countries Citizens (Media info). Global Wuhan Covid-19 bioterrorism Conspiracy is most IMPORTANT TO BE INVESTIGATED IN DETAILS. Peter Navaro Trump's Trade Adviser said in KABC7 News; two weeks after Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China in 2020 saying "we had Coronavirus briefing at the White House in November 2019, we were scared to go to sleep at night after the briefing". The Briefer(s) should be Federation of American Scientists Agent(s) or their Associate(s). That means Peter Navaro, Trump etc who were in Coronavirus briefing at the White House in November 2019 before Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan China in 2020; they should had knowledge in Covid-19 virus source and the Conspiracy; China is not the source of Covid-19 virus as Trump and his GOP Allies lied, that was a coverup. THE EVIDENCE MATERIALS of Covid Briefing at the White House in November 2019  are  Meeting Logs, phone contacts, email contacts, special links contacts, Gate videos etc); should be among Classified Documents or missing Classified Documents which FBIs seized from Trump's Mar-a-Lago Home. Let Authorities investigate Trump's or his Staff's contacts with Federation of American Scientists or their Associates in October 2019, November 2019; the nature of emails they were exchanging etc. If Trump Administration could have relayed Covid fatal effects on humans info to Healthcare Workers, Doctors, US Scientists; they had received possibly at night time from the Covid Briefing at the White house in November 2019; many lives in Covid deaths in US and in Worldwide Countries could have been saved; by quick better Covid measures and vaccines on time. But Trump, his Staff and Allies chose to cover up; lied on China as the source of Covid-19 virus to create US/China War. China is a Victim like all other Countries Worldwide which have been affected with Covid pandemic.
             Global Wuhan Covid-19 bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2020 was masterminded in the shadows by Federation of American Scientists (Republicans, Independents) and their Associates Worldwide. The same bioterrorist-Criminals used similar tactics in the shadows without a trace masterminded Global Mexico H1N1 bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2009, Salmonella bacteria bioterrorism Conspiracy in two Iowa Farms in 2009, Liberia Africa Ebola bioterrorism Conspiracy in 2014 etc; they used US Security Clearances in travelling and transporting the biogerms to Countries affected. They should be investigated in details and be brought to JUSTICE like any other terrorist Criminals Worldwide. FBI Agency raiding Trump's Home on 08/22/22 were not politically weaponized by DOJ or President Biden's Administration, FBIs were seeking EVIDENCE for JUSTICE.

  4. he’s using millions of his own $ both now and 2016. No one can buy h.. both sides of the swamp made millions off of their position (a servant of the people ) Pelosi 200k ish now a multi millionaire .. Obamas ..Bushes .. Clinton’s (foundation) millions..Biden ..corruption…

  5. Our commander in chief President Donald J Trump it’s by far the best President and look at him !! He’s s so sure of himself knowing all will be well !! He will be our President commander in Chief in 2024 !! To regain what the corrupted ppl took away from us !! God it’s on our side !! Justice will be done ✔️!! Making America 🇺🇸 great Again !! We love ❤️ our President and first gorgeous Ladie Melania!! ❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏🇺🇸❤️❤️🇺🇸!!


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