Don Wells Says Dudley Ajan NOT Candus Wells is his #1 but that's not who his first #1's were

Let’s have an open conversation and think tank about this latest accusation.

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35 thoughts on “Don Wells Says Dudley Ajan NOT Candus Wells is his #1 but that's not who his first #1's were”

  1. DW and CB need to stop blaming others!! I see right thro them. A generational problem. Rose, then Summer. It's their belief and hide behind the church. Can't wait till they go down.

  2. Idk but iv always felt like the videos taken of summer that day she disappeared..were videos taken from a different date , on a different phone that candus recorded with her .. the one phone she claimed was " her only phone shes been had " yet even said they especially her have and used mote than just one cell . … recorded those pics and vids to make it look as if she took them on the date /time needed to fit their story or w e … To me even looks like those videos were videos taken off another phone screen ..with the quality n all .and also …again to me atleast seems to fit perfectly aline with how its of course the one of only what mabey 3 parts of the entire time line they all are actually sure of the time ..and dont misay the timeline at all …at the same time constantly pushing probably the only truth of them all not ever knowing what the damn date or time is . Not only all this but since day one the whole …fact of the boys being anywhere that day is always glossed over , basically ignored , avoided , and never clear if ever brought up .. ..imo the truth as to who what when and where obviously lays with the parents and what they have always avoid / gloss over ..its like they unknowingly ans knowingly at the same time they dont want anyone to notice enough to go thinking or askin what in fhe f is the deal and story with their their three children being left home …alone especially on that very day .. don dont even bring the boys fittin into the timeline at all that day ..and candus keeps having small but actual big changes on the details with the boys that day too … I think she left summer at home with the boys but then i dont …idk i hate that these ppl are so dumb but have some how been smart enough to have gotten away with doing something to get their baby girl gone . Theres so many vague pointless details …but never any actual real details anywhere at all .. if any tbing actually happened ..there sure as hell would be way more details in each part of the timeline if ..but there arnt … So thats gotta be worth something.. i do also think hunter knows alot more hes not sayin ..he seemed like he knew how to pull off playing two different ppl ..n i wouldn't be surprised if he knows to put on way more than just 2 fake mask depending who hes talking to.
    I wonder if le has atleast been able to obtain any video surveillance of them on that day ..

  3. Hope TBI goes thru all these YT's and see how much truth is out there.I believe Dudley when he says Don ripped him off for pay and also about Don Wells doing dope on his job. He will never change he is a career criminal who uses his words to talk out of stuff and see if people believe him!!.He hasnt admitting doing anything!!! Says he smoked weed, but doesnt admit crack or meth yet says he went and bought crack and handed out to people…lol Ya RIGHT DON…the CON!!!Ask your WIFE where your daughter is????

  4. Sticking with the facts . The K9 picked up her scent to the end of the road ( through the dog trail ). A neighbor reported a red Toyota truck with ladder racks in the area , another neighbor reported a scream . They made it home around 3pm . There’s a 3 hour plus gap between them arriving home and the 911 call. That particular day the boys were mostly inside playing games . The parents admitted they depended on the boys to watch her . Summer also had a boundary at the swing . Candus was changing her fb profile and cover plus posting the photos of the days events at approximately 6:16pm that evening . A normal routine thing , but tells me she wasn’t even aware Summer was missing. It was after she got off FB , she went looking , couldn’t find her , panicked and called Don. The 911 call was approximately at 6:28 pm . This is consistent with the ripple effect of traumatic event .
    Candus lied about the timeline fearing backlash . Most people lie , and minimize things . She knew she couldn’t say she wasn’t watching her for 3 hours .
    Watching the church video where Summer is running amuck ( not her first rodeo) , carries over into the home life ( creature of habits).
    Living in an isolated area is not the topical scoop and run , but more of a premeditated abduction. Predators are everywhere especially in church.
    I think it was someone summer knew or knew of to leave her boundary and walk freely through the trail . I think the scream was from her being forced into the vehicle ( her scent stopped there as well ) .
    Don had called Candus that same day ( after picking up H) to report a strange man on their property ( I’m assuming the boys called their dad or he called them ) .
    A lot of factors here that point to a premeditated abduction but everyone can’t get passed trashing the family and throwing summer under the bus

  5. Go way back to the first months Summer disappeared…rumor/truth was that JSB and Chase423 were cooking meth on Ben Hill Rd. Is this why Dudley and DW became friends…DW was supplying Dudley, as well as co-workers with meth?
    I keep going back to the first interview CW and DW did with WJHL – CW states: "This would not have happened on my watch" – where did CW go that day? Don mentioned in an early interview with Cher that Summer "was gonna get run over or something" – is the truth there and it's been overlooked? I do not believe Dudley had anything to do with Summer's disappearance, but I do hope he will tell what he knows about the drugs on Ben Hill. I also found it "odd" in the photo that was taken of JSB at her camper, there was a vehicle parked there that was very similar to Dudley's….again, what did we miss???

  6. Omg this is off the subject but I have to tell you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚my phone got a " breaking news " notification on it and all I could think about was you doing jlrπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚and I laughed so hard, thennnnn I got on yt to catch up on allllllll your and c&j content and tell me why that jlr was first thing I seen pointing at a sign saying bk visited there!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I never see him and I'm embarrassed for him! Thanks for all you do seriously and I appreciate the laughs you bring me much ❀

  7. This would have not have happened if the breeder who now has none of her babies would have been a mother instead of a worthless piece of crap she needs to be in the pig slop or prison

  8. I'm so fucking sick of the game, the lies, the jumping on the train! LE you know too get your Ass in gear and giter done enough is enough. Canduc left with her after she called Don

  9. The thing to be thankful for is it's all the same map. There are other crimes jesus bout to color the page.β€πŸ‘‘πŸ€πŸ•Έβ˜ πŸ§­πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ—½πŸ¦…πŸŒ»


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