Dominating Kafka, Destroying the Deer | Trailblazer Only #7

We’ve made it to Xianzhou Luofu using only Trailblazer. Now Kafka and an annoying deer stand in the way. Let’s crush them.

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All Blazer-dono episodes:

Table of Contents:
0:00 Simulated Universe 2 and 3
1:55 The Xianzhou Luofu
4:10 Dominating Kafka
6:47 Robots and Cycranes and Treasure – Oh My!
8:39 Destroying the Deer
13:01 Only One Remains…

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29 thoughts on “Dominating Kafka, Destroying the Deer | Trailblazer Only #7”

  1. Raising your equilibrium level would actually increase the challenge significantly

    Just keep Blazer-Dono at a relatively low level so the bosses actually feel more like a threat. It's an artificial raise yeah but it basically puts you in a simulated pre nerf environment.

    Otherwise really great video. Looking forward to seeing Blazer Dono's future escapades!

  2. 9:42

    Now, this makes me wonder: Can you theoretically one-shot the deer's phase with enough farming?

    Do you need to progress the Luofu story to increase equilibrium? Can you theoretically farm a lot of Crit Damage from relics, and retry the fight with a low crit rate over and over until your ult crits and one-shots? How will the game handle if you do end up one-shotting the phase?

    Not to mention that was without supports. Imagine this damage with Bronya, Pela and Tingyiun.

  3. Going to be honest: I am both mad and amazed that you beat the deer so fast, as this was my first and only roadblock and I thought it was going to be much more of a hassle.

    But at the same time, when I got to the deer, I was in full story player only mode and had only characters with at best artefact set bonuses, so at least compared to one well built Blazer-dono it was understandable that I had to upgrade my team before beating it

  4. I'm glad im not the only one who noticed the phantom chest noises on the Loufu. I think even completing the Compass puzzle still doesn't make the chime go away because I cleared all of those almost instantly because I found them so fun and I have still heard a bunch of the phantom chest chimes.


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