No Man's Sky – Space jump to Hex planet!! (PS4)

Landed on my fleet’s support frigate and wanted to see if I could jump to the hull of my new Resurgent capital ship. Turns out planetary gravity pulls you that direction assuming you’re close enough!

Thank goodness I had dioxite I could access from my Freighters storage unit. I had transferred all my oxygen and life support gels to my starship under the assumption I might die. Didn’t die at any rate!


1 thought on “No Man's Sky – Space jump to Hex planet!! (PS4)”

  1. Sorry for the constant cuts from 3rd to 1st person camera view. Turns out free falling for that long kinda bugs up the camera and I would find I couldn't look around very well if I stayed in 3rd person (that's my preferred camera view).

    If you fast forward to about 6:35 you'll see the point I enter the planetary atmosphere, although it's pretty cool to see the terrain start rendering before that.


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