Dogs go to Heaven


50 thoughts on “Dogs go to Heaven”

  1. That cat must have done some pretty messed up things to end up where he did.

    I'm guessing he probably clawed his owner's eyes out, then his neighbor's eyes, then disguised himself as a dog as part of some elaborate scheme to cheat his way into heaven before animal control arrived, tased him, the cat ran outside in the rain to run away, was electrocuted, arrived in the afterlife still wearing his dog disguise, was sent to heaven, then back to hell because people who try to take shortcuts in life gain nothing.

  2. "Hello good boy, welcome to Heva- Hold on…"
    reveals cat 𝕄𝕞𝕄𝕖𝔼𝕠𝕆𝕨𝕎𝕨~

  3. Not all cats are bad and mean it’s just a dumb stereotype no hate to the vid creator tho but it just doesn’t seem right to me 💔 but good vid art sry I have to be honest I hope you understand also pls no hate I am just saying in general the vid is good

  4. I can’t belive how they dissed cats – I love cats they are my fav animal so why did y’all have to diss them? Cats aren’t devils they act mean but they are so lovable! I dislike that part 😡😞😔


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