Dog Hair Sheet | Zipp Brush To The Rescue

The Kirby Zipp brush saves the day.


5 thoughts on “Dog Hair Sheet | Zipp Brush To The Rescue”

  1. Oh wow that did great. We have two cats and one of them sleeps on a fleece blanket covering our bed and a love seat and every time I wash them I have to vacuum out the washer afterwards. Think I will try vacuuming the blanket this was. I never thought about trying the zip brush that way or if I did though it would just suck in the blanket.

  2. This was refreshing to watch after watching a certain YouTuber review on a G3 recently who says it doesn’t perform that well on almost anything it dose because it doesn’t have a lot of suction. I think more people who want to know more about Vacuum performance need to look at this channel.


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