Does She Have Tongue Cancer?!

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#reaction #dentistry #thebentist #health


31 thoughts on “Does She Have Tongue Cancer?!”

  1. You can’t see cancer

    Cancer doesn’t always show itself, cancer is smart, it hides, if someone (hopefully a trained professional or dog) tells you that you may have cancer, don’t take chances, get tested and if you think it’s an overreaction, get tested anyway, better safe than sorry.

  2. If i was her ill take the sample to 3different labs
    And for sure the sample from the clinic where dentist who told her she has cancer will come back positive. The rest will come negative…

  3. When I was told I had breast cancer. I didn't make a video, I collapsed. When I found out that it had spread, I didn't make a non emotional video, I couldn't speak about any subject without tears. When they told me I had 6 months to live and no treatment could save me. I didn't once think I should make a video and post it online. My whole life was whirling before me and I felt like I couldn't breath. Everything was a fog. I felt outside my body as I tried to keep going. The fear was the most intense fear imanginable. I was 38. I fought like hell with the assistance of one close friend, my husband and my sons. I never once thought about making a video and sharing it online to invoke sympathy from people in the hopes of going viral.
    Our society is a twisted cluster fuck.

  4. Why you cop'n Ethan Kleins whole shtick?
    BTW also, grown ass men with perfectly perfect white and straight teeth looks weird. Ur teeth are like wrinkles and they should grow with you. Men with that perfect of teeth aren't real men. Yall probably buy carhartt and try to do man shit and dress up and cosplay being a real man lol

  5. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the tongue is used in every since case. The teeth marks are a very classic sign on "spleen deficiency" and the film or texture depending on where it is showing up on the tongue can show other signs such as dampness in the body etc..

  6. Jesus died for our sins so we can have eternal life. Have intimacy with him, talk to him everyday and your life will change like never. If you do not accept Jesus as your lord and savior you are in danger of going to hell. Jesus loves u❗️

  7. Jesus died for our sins so we can have eternal life. Have intimacy with him, talk to him everyday and your life will change like never. If you do not accept Jesus as your lord and savior you are in danger of going to hell. Jesus loves u❗️

  8. Jesus died for our sins so we can have eternal life. Have intimacy with him, talk to him everyday and your life will change like never. If you do not accept Jesus as your lord and savior you are in danger of going to hell. Jesus loves u❗️

  9. Jesus died for our sins so we can have eternal life. Have intimacy with him, talk to him everyday and your life will change like never. If you do not accept Jesus as your lord and savior you are in danger of going to hell. Jesus loves u❗️

  10. Jesus died for our sins so we can have Jesus died for our sins so we can have eternal life. Have intimacy with him, talk to him everyday and your life will change like never. If you do not accept Jesus as your lord and savior you are in danger of going to hell. Jesus loves u❗️


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