Does Overwatch 2 need a Battle Pass?

Blizzard is removing Loot boxes for Overwatch 2 and chooses a Battle Pass and shop to distribute all the loot. A router controversial change for some and a welcome one for others. But why does Overwatch need a Battle Pass? Why change? Watch now and find out.

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23 thoughts on “Does Overwatch 2 need a Battle Pass?”

  1. IMO… I like battlepasses it keeps me playing knowing that I will always have something to do and aquire items that im dedicated to get. (Despite Cringey) I do still enjoy Fortnite cause the updates that there making currently are fun (to me of course) also when the Battlepass is good it gets me hyped

  2. I'm really excited to see a battle pass in OW2! It means we get so much new content :p and yes! We need a Deemzies Rein skin! Should be one of the new Mythic Skins :p Great video!

  3. Hi, Omnic Post.

    Admittedly, I have no experience with Battle Pass systems. The only free to play game I've played before is TF2 and that doesn't have a battle pass system either. In terms of a business standpoint, it could be a way to improve the game for customers. Honestly, I don't think I'm gonna invest into it too much because I don't have too much of an interest in constantly getting new cosmetic items. If anything, I might get something every now and then if I want a specific item to present what I like and who I am, but other than that I just want to play the game and have fun regardless of items. But I still think they will be cool to have. 🙂

  4. My concern isnt for monetization. They seem to have that down. My problem is this – the main perk to f2p is that a large base of players will play for free. A free battle pass will no doubt have crap rewards and not sustain the large f2p player base.

    Will they keep giving out free content events like halloween and xmas and skin challenge events to keep f2p players engaged. They have scrapped the last 3 events and botched the LNY event.

    Paying players are fine but for a game to sustain millions of MAUs, it has to feel rewarding. They did not address that or currency conversion, owl token refunds for multiple purchased owl skins, combining of gold weapons or refunded currency on cross progression gold weapon dupes. what use will loot box coins have? Should we be blowing all our coins before ow2 hits during the 3rd remix or will they have a place in ow2? so ya battle pass is fine but its this stuff im concerned about in ow they do it.

  5. Honestly, I kinda like it, kinda don't. You know, maybe it's a prenotion but I just think that it would end up getting difficult to try to get everything and what about players who didn't get all the cosmetics before the season ended? Are we able to purchase the cosmetics from the past seasons or not? There's another thing, what are the players who opt out of the premium battle pass gonna be able to unlock? Cuz I remember playing Halo Infinite, and the majority of the "free" stuff were xp perks, color palettes and a FEW gears, where as the premium battle pass gave you full armors, gears, gun cosmetics and a few other things. I'm confident my worries are nothing, but it is a possible outcome.😅😅😅 I kinda like it because we all know how amazing the cosmetics are made by Blizzard. TOP TIER, TOP SHELF stuff. Also, 30+ new skins every 9 weeks? Have we ever had that kind of amount within that time frame?🤩😍……… Also, I'm gonna have a mini tangent (ignore this part if you want, I just want to vent about this). Why am I seeing SO many players saying that the devs ONLY spent 3 years to have 3 heroes ready?……….. They didn't create just 3 Heroes in 3 years! They made visual upgrades, audio upgrades, brand new cosmetics, Mythic skins and all the functionalities that come with it, a few NEW core game modes, MAPS, adjusting existing maps to help with 5v5, hero reworks and balancing, 31 new looks, all that while also dealing with corporate misconduct, COVID, and many setbacks by a CERTAIN higher-up that made them make things, only to knix it for unknown reasons. Some people just need. To. CHILL! Yes, time wise, there should be a few more heroes than what we're gonna get in the early access, but they had to change how they were gonna distribute and push out OW2 to give us something rather than have us wait possibly another year or so. Tangent over. Lol😅😅😅………PS, Deemzies, are you alright? I remember the first vid you made when you came back from your trip last week (I think), your face was pretty red and now in this one, it looks like you're peeling. Are you doing OK? Have you put Aloe Vera on?………😶😶😶👀

  6. The battlepasses will be very nice , i just hope for the challenges they wont force u to play certain heroes like 'play 10 matches with lucio' or something. Cant wait to grind ow2. Great video!

  7. I guess the terrible said of the battle pass is that u r limited to some cosmetics, yet getting coins to buy one ur self can solve some problems, but the thing is… we kinda liked the idea of getting random stuff with each box, yet cant they keep them and deal with it like apex did with the packs? Or it will still banned in some regions? IDK just hoping they wont screw it up like rainbow did

  8. also have to remember most (basically all successfull) battlepases also give out coins which can be used to buy a future battlepass, with the free giving 200-300 and the paid battlepass giving out over a 1000 more than enough for the next battlepass. as long as you play the game and max out the battlepass youll only ever have to buy it once

  9. My wife would kill me if I spend 10 to 20 Euros every few months on Overwatch. Plus, since I am connected almost every big studio on LinkedIn… I do not just play one game… I play several.

    And honestly… the time that goes into completing the season rewatds in other games means you really only have time to play that game.

    The thing that makes Fortnite successful is the collaborations and live in game events. I doubt we will see a Darth Vader or Jinx skin in Overwatch… and don't expect a live concert in game.

    I know Apex does well… but my guess is Fortnite earns more money.

    Anywhoooo… I would have preferred a sequel but this is just going to be costly.

    Still very curious about what happened with Jeff. Can you imagine sitting in those meetings towards the end?

  10. honestly as long as the xp requirements from level to level aren't insane. I'm totally okay with the battle passes. For someone like me, whose played alot, loot boxes became meaningless years ago unless they were a new event. Battle passes give you an objective to keep playing so you dont get bored and are normally a consistent way to get new things

  11. I’m not mad at the battle pass. I’ve never liked lootboxes. I dislike monetization in video games but lootboxes is hands down the worst in my opinion. There’s a reason why some countries have banned them. At least the BP ‘should’ have a clear reward system with the cosmetic items you can earn. I like that I’ll earn items through each season instead of waiting on a specific holiday event to pop up for new cosmetics. I’m also interested to see what you earn without paying for a battle pass. As long it’s done right I don’t think it’s the worst thing to come to Overwatch. Getting no content for 2 1/2 years is definitely worse.

  12. The only thing which prevented me to play overwatch was the loot box because my country banned them. Why playing a game if i cant unlock a skin.
    If OW2 goes for the battlepass system over the lootbox, i can give a try


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