Does God Exist? Dr Ali Ataie responds to the New Atheism

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46 thoughts on “Does God Exist? Dr Ali Ataie responds to the New Atheism”

  1. This is just a simple point to ponder upon, i know people will then come and say o you dont understand this and that and a robot can come from toaster…. Here it is
    Atheist stands before you with his body which is comprised of over 20 trillion cells, each cell contains bridges, factories, complex and exquisite coding systems in the genetic code.

    He looks at you with his eyes which contain a colour-coded imaging system with an astonishing resolution, along with a fantastical mechanism for storing both dynamic and static images, rather interpreting these images via the brain and analysing them in less than a second.

    He stands there with his upright figure which is run by 640 muscles, forgetting his heart which has been functioning for over 20 years; day and night, while asleep and while awake, without any external maintenance.

    Then the command comes from his brain – about which solid scientific thesis and papers have been written, and which still contains a great deal of ambiguity uncertainty- to move his tongue which is linked to the jaw by 17 muscles;
    He stands there to ask you with extraordinary intelligence;
    'Where is the evidence for (the existence of) a Creator?".

    I don't know which of the two answers is more befitting in this situation;

    {…in yourselves. Then will you not see?} Surat Adh-Dhariyat 51:21.

    Ahh man you irrational muslim you dont know how a flatworm was converted into Albert Einstein by mutations over millions of years!!!

  2. A call from Palestine
    Peace, mercy and blessings of God
    I am a mother from Gaza and I have orphaned children. We have no one after God. My husband died years ago and there is no one for us after God. I have a lot to do in life, but time is running out for me and my kids. Please stand by my son. The doctor told me that the child wants to have the operation on his eyes as soon as possible, but I have nothing to assign to the operation. The doctor said that the operation costs, but I do not have anything for the operation, please. I hope you won't forget me brothers in this

    , the number is in Althe above , next to the flag of Palestine, written in Arabic

    People for people are like a solid building

  3. The core of atheism is that we are only atoms, we have no soul, no herafter, no punishment for doing evil (hitler gets a free pass for example), no difference in me killing an ant or a child (both only atoms), no such thing as objective morality, etc. Ever wonder why sui*ides have the highest rates among atheists when compared to believers ? Now you know why XD

  4. Whenever atheists say that why doesn't God Allow bad things like wars and r*pe and stuff this verse comes to my mind.

    "Remember when your Lord said to the angels, "1 am going to place a successive "human" authority on earth." They asked "Allah", "Will You place in it someone who will spread corruption there and shed blood while we glorify Your praises and proclaim Your holiness?" Allah responded, "I know what you do not know." Qur'an 2:30.

    They are not the first one Question this. The Angels asked this question to Allah himself.
    And if one reads the following verses the Allah gives the answer to the Angels..

    Bad people do bad things.
    Atheists: Therefore God doesn't exist..

  5. Gotta love the serendipitous coincidences in dawah: Ataiesm vs. atheism 😁 Just joking! The humanity does not need any more -isms, only Allah's mercy and guidance, Islam. MaasAllah Mr. Ataie does an excellent job in explaining God's existence with clear logic. May Allah reward him for that and make his mission easy for him🤲

  6. I always been saying to myself even before I became muslim , rejacting things that we cant see its very easy ! I can bring a child for example 9 years old he/she can rejact GOD with 2 words ! But to believe in GOD human should really grow UP ! , and actually Islam is not for everyone ! as Allah SWT mentioned many times in holly Quran that ( Jahannam – hellfire ) will be full of non believer's , so the first question will come to an adult's mind is where did universe came from ? if all those non believer with diffrent names by diffrent times say diffrent things ! about beggining of universe then it mean they dont say Only one fact about universe and thats mean they're not agree with each other and thats mean they're lying ! but all our beloved prophets sayd the same thing that there is only One GOD exist and same GOD created everything , so we cant say universe came from nothing cause ( Nothing ) has no power no energy no space to produce something , the other Option is it came from another universe so where did the first universe came from then ? like that we should all the way going to past and we cant stop somewhere cause numbers has no end ! while we go back to past by not ending numbers we wont have future ! so who create future then ? or who create universe in the future ! thats even against scinece ! so there is no option than to say GOD is behind all matter in universe cause GOD has no begin no end GOD is ( creator ) he was there always before time – energy – space – power and all matter in the universe the matter is creation but GOD is not a creation is Creator !

  7. Ancient sumerian tablets At the beginning we was just apes happy as can be with no gods ….Till the annunaki aliens show us mixing the Dna you can make made theses' apes into a slave race.

  8. Perfect thing to listen to while I'm at work. Thanks Paul and Ali for always having the best podcasts on this channel. As a former skeptic these videos always fill me with the rush of excitement I got when I knew for certain there's no god but Allah

  9. Our Creator Rabbuna Allah Almighty the One and only True Eternal Living God says:
    (23. Have you considered him who has taken his desire for his god? Allah has knowingly led him astray, and has sealed his hearing and his heart, and has placed a veil over his vision. Who will guide him after Allah? Will you not reflect?

    24. And they say, “There is nothing but this our present life; we die and we live, and nothing destroys us except time.” But they have no knowledge of that; they are only guessing.

    25. When Our clarifying Verses are recited to them, their only argument is to say, “Bring back our ancestors, if you are truthful.”

    26. Say, “Allah gives you life, then He makes you die; then He gathers you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt. But most people do not know.”

    27. To Allah belongs the kingship of the heavens and the earth. On the Day when the Hour takes place, on that Day the falsifiers will lose.)
    Surah 45 al-jathiyah ayah 23 to 27 from the Holy Quran the last book revealed by our Creator Allah Almighty to the last of his prophets Muhammad (peace be upon them all)
    I pray to our One True Creator to guide us to the truth. Ameen

  10. One of the greatest thinkers of our time. Dr Ali Ataie manages to eloquently express his words and thoughts while sprinkling in some humor at times. Always a pleasure to listen to his lectures and discussions. Thank you Paul for sharing this video!

  11. I once a Christian. All atheis thinking Ive heard were from the false Christian teaching that cannot cope w human life espc modern world. It not give them the answer of why, or how

  12. it's a bad week to be sam harris, more than usual I mean, he just lost what remains of his credibility this week when he openly admitted in a podcast that he's perfectly happy to lie, cheat and/or bury the truth as long as it helps his political party. When the incredulous hosts gave him a chance to get out of the hole he was digging, harris went and got a bigger shovel and kept digging.

    shoutout to the middle nation channel for also absolutely dismantling harris and the evangelical atheists.

  13. Excellent and concise talk by Dr. Ali. Very simple questions for atheists that they cannot answer. Thanks to him and thanks to you brother Paul for this!

  14. Brother which gods are you talking about😏😎if you mean Arabian desert godo aka allaha and his made up desert stories which doesn't make sense at all bro😉😄coming from ex_muslim Somali who happened to worship the Almighty African god like Morgan Freeman now instead of dat racist Arab empirialist of religion🤡🇸🇦🐖💩🤡🇸🇦🤡🐖💩🤡🇸🇦😎😏🇸🇴🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱🇸🇴🇮🇱❤️🇮🇱🇸🇴

    This is a reply to some in comment section called NIGO.I am Irish , was brought up Catholic and am now agnostic. Haveing witnessed religious bigotry in Ireland, religious bigotry is something I have come to hate.
    You say in your posting and I quote.
    "" actually Islam is not for every one.As Allah SWT mentioned many times in Holy Qur'an that ( jehannam–hellfire)will be full of non believers."" End of quote.
    I find the Allah you believe in a vile monster. Torturing people fir all eternity because they are not Muslims!! How vile and despicable!.!!!!.


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