Does Driver Owe for Damaged Limos? | Part 4

“You’re slippery, Mr. Mosby.”


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32 thoughts on “Does Driver Owe for Damaged Limos? | Part 4”

  1. It’s interesting how different the US is from other Western countries. In Canada and most European countries, an employer needs to provide notice and/or termination pay if they fire an employee without cause. Also, it is illegal in most Canadian provinces and European countries for an employer to end someone's employment if any part of the reason for the termination is based on the employee asking questions about the employer’s compliance with labour laws. So glad I don’t work in the states.

  2. So, millionaire Judge Judy doesn’t “want to know about” an America where employees have the same basic rights as employees in other Western nations?

  3. The plaintiff is pretty shady, usually the owners of the fleet are responsible of any damages to the cars. That’s why they have insurance that requires drivers with valid chauffeur license. But again, it might also vary state to state

  4. How many times do you have to tell someone the same thing before they actually listen to it I wonder.
    Judge Judy's ''OH MY GOD'' and eye roll at the end was absolutely brilliant

  5. Did he just say "What about my future earnings"??????? Did I hear that correctly? Wow! The man screwed your wife over and you don't want to invest time in finding somewhere else to work? What's wrong with people? He is lucky Judge Judy didn't feel like going off on him.


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