Document reveals never-before-seen details in Delphi teens' murder investigation l GMA

New details have come to light in the unsolved double murder investigation with the publication of a police interview with a man who reportedly admitted to communicating with one of the teen victims.

#ABCNews #Delphi #Indiana #TrueCrime


23 thoughts on “Document reveals never-before-seen details in Delphi teens' murder investigation l GMA”

  1. Oh big time
    That Kline guy that's in jail .is the one speaking n telling on his self
    Mark my words
    After Alan is charged
    Kline will b next
    There's a clip
    That says
    He was waiting in the red jeep
    When Alan went for a hike
    Or what ever car/truck they were in .
    These two r connect

  2. that would explain why he never crossed the bridge. he was involved. he stayed in case one of the girls got loose from the other guy and ran back across the bridge. he could stop them!!!!!

  3. Why didn't they run Firstly they must have realised that they were vulnerable on that bridge. Could easily have been pushed off. Something made them stop and wait for him. This us very obvious..also she obviously felt uneasy due to him keeping his face down with cap pulled down ..he knew that she would recognise him If do why was she uneasy. .

  4. My theory is they were going to meet the guy from the picture, where ever they were walking too. They knew teenagers would hang around there so Iโ€™m sure they didnโ€™t think anything about that place to meet. Libby takes the video of the guy in the jacket, hears him say down the hill, knows something is about to happen but thereโ€™s someone down there waiting for them, too.

  5. Oh god it is definitely him! Girls ditched the parents to meet with the guy but a sus man shows up. They immediately know what's up so they start recording. Then he says I was gonna meet her, and searches for dna? He also matches the sketch.


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