Doctor Hauzer (Overblood 0) | Back from the Dead


31 thoughts on “Doctor Hauzer (Overblood 0) | Back from the Dead”

  1. Thank you for making videos like these. It's so easy now to follow the trend of trashing modern lackluster AAA games, but you take the time and effort to instead review games that most of us have never even heard of, which is a breath of fresh air.

  2. A surprise new entry in the Overblood epic! Honestly I had no idea this game was by the same people, I always saw screenshots of the shifty eyed protag but never investigated

  3. All very well, but have you considered that evil doctor Overblood IS Doctor Hauzer, having successfully resurrected himself after becoming what I can only describe as the MCP from Tron blue screening? I mean, I don't know where the ghosts and the clones come into it, but maybe it got lost in translation, like a FromSoft game. And they won that award and worked with Bill Clinton.

  4. 7:50 I legit thought my video froze during that part, the audio effects play out as if something is happening but the game is just stuck on that table pushing frame. Had to rewind like 3 times before it finally dawned on me the game's performance is that bad.

  5. man dcotor hauzer seems pretty crap. way too short, has barely anything going on, the gameplay is jsut trial and error traps and puzles with barely anything to them and the titular antagonist only shows up like twice in the entire game and the second time is when you kill him. Hel its BARELY a horror game

  6. This video put a smile on my face purely because you've brought the personality back. Your reviews are always great but the past couple years or so have really felt lacking without any humour or music.

  7. The Overblood legend continues! At this rate, some publisher is gonna hire devs to port these games to modern systems. And I'm not gonna lie, I'd play them. For Peepo.


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